Mabo House News

Hello Mabo,
A big congratulations to Mabo House for winning the annual House Championship for 2024. That is an amazing effort as we have now won the House Championship three years in a row!
Why stop now let’s aim for four in a row next year….
Senior Students
Congratulations on reaching your schooling at HPSC (for most students that have recently had YR 12 exams and final assessments). We wanted to take a moment to applaud your determination and efforts so far.
As you move forward, remember to stay focused and continue giving your best. We are available to field any of your questions as you complete your exams, and the Careers Team is always available to help with changes in your courses etc. Keep up the great work.
New Mabo Building
After a long and patient wait the new Mabo Building is about to become home for Mabo Staff and students. Next year we will have a new face in the House Leadership Team- Miss Riley takes over as our new Year 7-9 Student Engagement Leader. Welcome to the Mabo Team Georgia- we look forward to working with you to support our students.
What’s happened to Mrs Beattie I hear you say? Meg has taken up a new position at the College. She will be undertaking a Year 7-9 Student Achievement Leader Award where she will be working with all four Houses so we can have some shared celebrations of student's success.
Meg will still be sitting in the new Mabo Office and will be focused on student's attendance, learning habit growth and achievement and academic success. Good luck in your new role Meg and welcome home Georgia.
Values Nominations- Mabo House
The term is flying, and we are having many successes as a House Team with our number of Values Nominations exceeding our expectations.
Next week we have a House Assembly where we will celebrate our students and unveil the 2025 Mabo Student Leaders.
Great work!
Commencement 2025
Commencement classes start on Monday 25 November with a focused commencement program to discuss the expect standards for all members of our community. 2025 classes start officially on Monday 25 November and run until Friday 6 December.
Our expectations of Mabo students are that they prepare for success by arriving to class on time, in correct uniform, and that you all aim for improvement and growth. If you have any questions about your subjects, please contact us in Mabo House- it is however unlikely that changes will be made to your 2025 program as you have all been involved in significant Course Counselling and should have the majority of your subjects if they are running.
Junior Students YR 7-9
On Monday 11 December all YR 7-9 students are invited to attend the Gumbuya World End of Year Excursion. It is a great way to celebrate the year and have some fun with your friends. It will be great to see you all there- please return your forms or submit them online on Compass ASAP.
As always, look after yourselves and if you have any questions or ideas on how we can continue to make our school the best it can be drop in to the Mabo office for a chat or a game of Uno.
Up the Crocs!
Mabo House Management Team