From the Library

From the Library
Christmas Books🎅are on display in the library ready for reading and borrowing! Ho Ho Ho!🎅
Student borrowing will conclude in 2 weeks on Friday 29th November 2024 and ALL school library books are DUE back by MONDAY 2nd December 2024 ready for the library stocktake this year.
Year 6 and other students leaving the school at the end of the year MUST return their school library books!
Email reminders will continue to be sent home to families of students with overdue library books and from Friday 6th December letters will also be sent home regarding all outstanding school resources and books.
The school encourages and gratefully accepts either a NEW book or monetary donation for lost or damaged books! Please make your donation at the school Office before year's end - thank you!
Happy reading!
Ms Robinson
Librarian & LOOP Book Club Coordinator