Student Learning

Year 1/2
Reading - Using our mentor text All Through the Year, the students explored its themes. They discussed how trees are often used as powerful metaphors for growth, life, transformation and new beginnings.
Writing - To connect our reading and our writing, the students brainstormed adjectives that described each season in the story. These adjectives highlight the characteristics and features of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Students have also been practising their comparison skills in writing.
Math - In maths, the students enjoyed engaging in some hands-on learning through fun math games.
PE - The students had an absolute blast playing soccer with a yoga ball, adding an extra layer of excitement to the game.
Year 3/4
3/4s are having a Basketball tournament! What awesome skills they have!! It was a fun and enjoyable experience, with excellent leadership and sportsmanship on display!
Nikita has been working really hard to improve her reading and today she has passed our phonics program!! Well done Nakita, super proud of you! Her phonics work is also starting to shine through in her writing! AWESOME work, Nikita!
Year 5/6
As promised, we have published Anthony Horowitz inspired pieces displayed for your reading pleasure in the 5/6 area. All students have worked hard and creatively to produce this high standard of work.