What's Happening

Term 4, 2024
Monday 25th November - First Aid in Schools Program
Monday 25th November - Ditto Show for Prep to Year 2 students
Tuesday 26th November - First Aid in Schools Program
Friday 29th November - Pre-Prep Program
Friday 29th November - Assembly
Monday 2nd December to Friday 13th December - Swimming Program
Thursday 5th December - Grade 6 Graduation
Friday 6th December - Pre-Prep Program
Monday 9th December - 2025 Student Leader Speeches
Tuesday 10th December - State Wide Transition Day
Friday 13th December - Year 6 Aquamoves Excursion
Friday 13th December - Final Assembly
Monday 16th December - Term 4 EMMAC Excursion
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas Concert
Friday 20th December - Last day of Term 4 - School finishes at 1:30pm
Swimming Program
Permission forms due back Monday 25th November.
Our Swimming Program commences on Monday 2nd December for all students. These lessons form part of our Health and Physical Education learning area and all students are expected to participate. Unfortunately there may be days we may need to cancel lessons, due to cold temperatures, and we will notify families via Facebook and Compass if this is the case.
There may be some small changes to the swimming timetable to account for specialist classes. An updated timetable will be sent home to all families the week before swimming starts.
Student Leader Speeches
Year 5 students have been invited to nominate themselves for a Student Leader position for 2025. Students will prepare a speech, which they will deliver in front of students in Years 3 to 6, staff and parents. The speeches will be held on Monday 9th December at 9am in the Multi Purpose Room, families are welcome to attend.