Student Awards

Students of the Week
Hudson B, 2B - for being an exemplary member of 2B. I really appreciate the way you work diligently, listen so respectfully, and demonstrate kindness and consideration to everyone.
Joe P, 6C - for always being an excellent Year 6 role model and upholding the HERRRby values every day at school!
HERRRBy Awards
Ida B, 1B - for always showing respect and kindness to others. Thank-you for being you!
Brooklyn P, 3C - for the way he embraces all aspects of school life with a positive attitude and great enthusiasm.
Green HERRRBY Award
Riley Z, PB - for being a habitat helper and having rubbish free lunches at school. Well done.
Zac K, PA - for your amazing information report on koalas. We loved your fun fact about koalas being marsupials! Well done!!
Freddie C, PC - for his incredible first information report on koalas. You included awesome facts, adjectives and punctuation. Keep it up Freddie!
Jack P, PC - for being an amazing member of PC! You are always listening and contributing during lessons with such enthusiasm. Well done Jack.
Leor H, PD - for striving to do his best in all areas of education. You are clearly ready for year 1, next year!
Lizzy H, 1A - for her wonderful Big Write mystery animal report containing brilliant vocabulary, excellent punctuation and interesting facts. What a superstar!
Owen R, 1C - for the tremendous effort you have put into your reading. Your persistence has definitely paid off.
Harrison R, 1D - for putting in the extra effort to improve your handwriting. You should be very proud of your effort and improvements.
Ayda B, 2A - for being such an amazing student and always following the HERRRby values!
Jesse J, 2C - for your can-do attitude and your willingness to help your classmates. Thank you for always showing initiative in our classroom. Keep up the amazing work!
Yahli M, 2D - for his outstanding persuasive letter to Mrs. Hall strongly recommending that we have a library at the Junior School. You convinced me!
Sophie H, 3A - for her positive attitude and always trying her best. You’re a super star!
Shoshi G, 3B - for her attitude, behaviour and work ethic that make her a 3B SuperStar. We love having you in our class!
Kai F, 4A- for showing enthusiasm and interest when writing his haiku poems! You are a wonderful and creative writer Kai!
Indi H, 4B - for her well written persuasive arguments on why Gardenvale is the best school!
Hailey K, 4C - for writing an outstanding haiku poem during our poetry lesson. Well done!!
Indie A, 5A - for her outstanding rebuttals during class parliament! Well done, Indie!
Sofia P, 5B - for demonstrating helpfulness and extreme thoughtfulness towards her peers.
Mia C, 5C - for stepping up in Year 5 Parliament and delivering an outstanding performance
Seth M, 5D - for giving powerful speeches in our parliamentary debates. Keep it up!
Elliott K, 6A - for bringing a lot of joy - and a lot of ducks - to our Year 6 classroom this year. Thanks for the fun, Elliott!
Madi S, 6B - for bringing her spark, humour and compassion to our class every day. You make our class a great place to be!
Abbon P, 6C - for his outstanding recount of primary school for his Graduation Poster and for his positive ‘Good Morning’ greeting every day!
Ava D, 6D - for the artistic and creative presentation of all her work. Thank you for being such a delightful student Ava!
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Tia L, 2D - for being kind and working with her best effort during Japanese class.
すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!"
Eleanor E, PC - for always being a cheerful class member and working enthusiastically during Japanese lessons. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Mae A, 1A - for demonstrating HERRRBy values and being a constant contributor during Japanese class. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!