Principal's Report

Dear HPS Community,


Well there were some spectacular dance moves and loud singing erupting from the hall last Friday night during the school disco! It was heart warming to see the enjoyment and fun the event brought to so many of our HPS students and there were plenty of adults there who couldn't help but get into the swing of things with some of their own dance moves.

A very big thank you to the organising committee- Cath, Rachael, Sarah and Mona. Both Cath and Rachael have been organising the HPS school disco for a number of years and with their children in year 6, this was their disco to organise. We are grateful for all of their work and thank them for giving our kids a great fun night of dancing and socialising.

They now confidently hand over the organisation for next year to Sarah and Mona.

We are appreciative of all parents and carers who contributed to the success on the night by volunteering to assist with set up/pack up, sign in/ sign out, supervision and first aid.  



After not having increased fees since 2019, School Council have recently reviewed the amount charged per before and after care session. With two Child Care Subsidy (CCS) increases in that time, and associated costs with providing the SAC service, a motion was passed to increase fees from term 4, 2024.


Please note the new charges as of Monday 7th October:

Before Care session $20

After Care session $23

Full Day program on pupil free days $70 


Students attending SAC this week have certainly brightened the ramp with their colourful  and creative drawings! Well done to our students who drew this detailed picture of the one and only, Taylor Swift.


Communicating with children during the school day

I would like to ask parents and carers to please refrain from communicating directly with their child through phones, iPads or smart watches during the school day, or whilst at SAC.

Sending or receiving messages from devices does not align to the expectations outlined in our policy. In the event of an emergency or if you need to immediately contact your child, I request that families contact the school office, or SAC office where applicable, who will pass on a message as required. 

This helps ensure that school is a learning environment free from unnecessary distractions and disruptions. 


Our Mobile Phone policy defines a mobile phone as a telephone with access to a cellular (telecommunication) system, with or without a physical connection to a network. For the purpose of this policy, “mobile phone” refers to mobile phones and any device that may connect to or have a similar functionality to a mobile phone such as smart watches. 


Heidelberg Primary School understands that students may bring a personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school. 

At Heidelberg Primary School: 

• Students who choose to bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off and securely stored during school hours 

• Exceptions to this policy may be applied if certain conditions are met (see full policy)

• When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office.

I ask for the support of all our families, staff and students in continuing to support the implementation of this policy in our school. 

Parent Opinion Survey

Thank you to the now 37 families who have so far been able to complete the survey! We would still value hearing from more families who can complete the survey before the Friday 30th August closing date.

“We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve.”– Bill Gates


Book Week

It's nearly that time of the year again, when creativity and the wonderful world of books collide! Start thinking about and planning for your book week costume for 2024. A whole school parade will be held on the morning of Friday 23rd August. Families welcome to attend and join in the fun.


Upcoming Dates

Mon 19th - Wed 21st August

Year 4 Camp - Lady Northcote Discovery Camp

Friday 23rd August

Book Week parade

Monday 26th August

Pupil Free Day - no students

Thursday 19th September

Friday 20th September

Monday 7th October

Matsuri Day

Last day term 3 - 2.30pm finish

Term 4 commences

Monday 4th November

Teacher Professional Practice Day - no students

Tuesday 5th November

Melbourne Cup Public Holiday(Student Free Day)

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend of sunshine and great week ahead.


Naomi Ivers


Heidelberg Primary School