Sports News

Good Luck

On Friday (tomorrow) we have 5/6 students participating in the Echuca interschool sports grand final for netball! Thanks to Teal for coaching the team each week and also the staff and parents that have made it possible for these students to compete weekly.

Kinder Olympics

We were so excited to host our Kinder friends in the Rochester Primary School - Kinder Olympics!

We began with an opening ceremony and the National Anthem, competed in 6 different events and ended with a medal presentation. 

Thanks to Miranda for helping run this event over 2 days, as well as our student leaders and the parents that came along to support.


Congratulations to all our little Olympians!

P-2 Mini Olympic

Our P-2 students didn't want to miss out on the fun, they participated in their very own Mini Olympics on Monday.

Swimming Program info:

On Monday our swimming program commences for our P-2 students. We look forward to seeing them learning about swimming and water safety and improving their confidence in and around water.


Please remember:

  • Bathers (worn under school uniform)
  • Towel
  • Goggles
  • Plastic bag for wet gear
  • Underwear 
  • Full school uniform
  • Packed lunch, extra snacks and water. NO LUNCH ORDERS THIS WEEK.

12th-16th August P-2 Bus leaves 11.15am returns 2.30pm

19th - 23rd August 3/4 Bus leaves 10.45am returns 1.30pm, 5/6 Bus leaves 11.50am returns 2.30pm

What's coming up

12th - 16th August P-2 Swimming Program

19th - 23rd August 3-6 Swimming Program

27th August - Echuca athletics (11/12 year olds)

28th August - Echuca athletics (9/10 year olds)

16th September - Division Athletics Bendigo (for qualified students)