School Captains News

Captains Report


Hi everyone, welcome back to Term 3. We hope that everyone had a great holiday and is ready for a new term of learning and fun.


This term there will be more exciting things for us all to look forward to. On Friday we are having a special Mass to celebrate Grandparents and special people in our lives. I hope you have someone special coming along.


Soon it will be a special time for our Prep Buddies as they will be celebrating being at school for 100 days. Some of us remember what it was like to be at school for 100 days.


In week 6 we will be celebrating Book Week. This is a great chance for everyone to dress up as their favourite character from a book, so start thinking about what you would like to dress up as. 


The other thing we are all looking forward to is the Art Show which is in week 8. All year we have been making and creating great pieces of art to show off to our parents and carers. Thanks to the great work done by Mrs Sherma, we have some great pieces of art!


This term has also started off with the arrival of international students. In our 5/6  class we have seven students and there are also students in Year 2 and Year 3/4 . All of the students have come from China and they have already made themselves at home at St Kevin's. Thank you to our special visitors for the lovely gifts that they brought for us.


We hope you all continue to have a great start to this term, 


Lucas, Aria, Alex and Liesel