Principal's News

Our theme for this year


Let's Care! Be the difference! 


Parent Newsletter Term 3, Week 2    Tuesday 23/07/24  

Feast Day of Saint Anne and Saint Joachim - Friday 26th July

Saint Anne—Patron Saint of grandparents, grandmothers, mothers, 

Saint Joachim—Patron Saint of grandparents, grandfathers, fathers.


Who Are St Anne and St Joachim? 

Pope Francis explains…

Quote: On July 26th the Church celebrates the parents of the Virgin Mary, the grandparents of Jesus, Saints Joachim and Anne. In their home, Mary came into the world, accompanied by the extraordinary mystery of the Immaculate Conception. Mary grew up in the home of Joachim and Anne; she was surrounded by their love and faith: in their home she learned to listen to the Lord and to follow his will. Saints Joachim and Anne were part of a long chain of people who had transmitted their faith and love for God, expressed in the warmth and love of family life, down to Mary, who received the Son of God in her womb and who gave him to the world, to us. 

How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith!

 Pope Francis, Angelus, July 26, 2013



This Friday at St Kevin’s, we will celebrate grandparents and special person’s day in our community. We will begin with a Mass at 9:15am to thank God for the privilege of having such wise and loving people in our lives. Following Mass, the grandparents are invited to their grandchild or children's classroom to complete an activity. 

At 10:45am, the grandparents or special person will share morning tea with their grandchild/childrenCould parents please provide enough morning tea for their child/children to share with their grandparent/special person/s.  Children will be with their siblings to eat morning tea.


Children are welcome to invite more than one special person (i.e. all grandparents are invited). It is important that parents provide morning tea for their child/children and their grandparent/special person/s to share. Tea and coffee will be provided for grandparents and special persons by the school by way of a Coffee Van. Children are not permitted to order tea/coffee from the Coffee Van. 



Open Days and Enrolment news! 

We had an interesting Open Day on Saturday! I had the great pleasure to meet three new families.  One from Craigieburn moving to Templestowe, another from Geelong and a third from Templestowe.  


All were really impressed with our amazing facilities.  I am also conducting tours for 2026 and met a beautiful family last week who are interested in moving to Templestowe.  Our next ‘Open Day’ is on Thursday 24th of July.


Last week invitations for Prep interviews 2025 were emailed.  Please book in a spot if you have a prep child joining us next year.  It is so important that we have a conversation, and your child will do some work with Eva.  I am looking forward to learning all about our new families and developing relationship with our current families.


International Visitors

The international students from Eastern parts of China have arrived at St Kevin’s.  They have joined our Year 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 classes for different periods of time. The students will be with us from anywhere from four to seven weeks.  


This term the whole school is working on the concept of Diversity. This is an amazing opportunity to share cultural experiences and learn about China while sharing our own culture with these students. It will provide rich learning experiences for all students and a great opportunity to develop new friendships.




Well done to 3/4F




Term 3  Week 1-2

Expected Behaviour: I follow directions




Think before speaking

I have heard and have had some discussions with staff about students calling each other and staff 'bro'.  This is short for brother.   I spoke to a group of Year 5 and 6 students today and explained that this word may be offensive.  We spoke about how it is used in the indigenous people and in different countries around the world.   Above all I spoke to them about being respectful to each other and staff.  This language is not acceptable in educational settings as it may have negative connotations.   It is so important to discuss the meaning and how words are used in different cultures to ensure that students understand how demeaning some words can be.  Although the students are not always aware that language can be derogatory.   Please have a chat with your child/ren about the use of appropriate words.  


School Fees

Thank you to all the parents and carers who have made payments to contribute to school fees.  We have had a few issues with billing cycles and I would like to sincerely thank you for understanding and being open and transparent with your needs.   Traditionally, we have a high and consistent rate of collection at St Kevin’s and I would like to continue assisting any families who require support.  It is just so important to keep making payments no matter how big or small.   Thank you!




Welcome Signor Marcello Carrabba our new Italian Assistant.  He has a wonderful positive vibe and I have already received such positive feedback from our students about learning with Signor Marcello!


Italian vocabulary  in Term 3 Week 1 and Week 2  has been revising greetings,  likes and dislikes and learning about singular and plural.  Eg Come stai? How are you? (singular form) & Come state? How are you? (plural form)  Mi piace la pizza… I like pizza (singular item) Mi piacciono gli gnocchi.  I like gnocchi (plural item)



Student Update

Welcome Kai to Prep M.  We are delighted to have you at St Kevin’s!  Look forward to getting to know you and your beautiful family.



Parish News

Despite the wintery weather we have been very busy in the Parish Of St Kevin’s.

In July we have managed to celebrate 3 Baptisms, 2 reconciliations and even Christmas (In July!!).

With the weather in mind the Parish organised a Coat Drive – and we were overwhelmed by the amazing generosity. We were able to deliver over 500 coats, jumpers and blankets to Catholic Care – who immediately started helping refugee families.


Coming Up

First Eucharist Preparation & Celebration


Youth Group – Games Night on 17th August

Playgroup – commencing Term 4.

Altar Servers Training.

Bookish Morning Tea- the Parish has a free library that everyone is welcome to use!


We Hope to see you at the Parish soon! 







Parent Learning


Positive Parent Partnering Workshop


Warmest regards, Gabee