Student Gallery

Students enjoyed a fantastic Liquid Nitrogen Show today to celebrate Science Week.
It was very explosive and cool - Avni, 2T
It was crazy when the lid of the tin kept blowing off - Maya, 2T
I like the way she froze the rubber duck and smashed it into pieces with a hammer - Ariya, 2T
I liked the explosions when they made elephant toothpaste, they exploded so high - Caleb, 2T
The whole thing was fascinating - Elise, 2T
The elephant toothpaste nearly touched the roof - Kiven, FH
The milo tin bomb was so cool - Levi, FH
Year 1 students learning about Capacity in Maths.
Year 1 students also explored programming Bee-Bots in Digital Technology.
Year 3 students had their turn at the Potato Olympics.
Following on from NAIDOC Week in the last school holidays, students began Term 3 with a focus on Aboriginal artwork. They talked about the Wurrundjeri tribe and how important Bunjil (eagle creator) and Waa (crow protector) are to them.
Year 5 and 6 students drew Waa from charcoal and Bunjil from pencil.
Year 1-4 students looked at stories from Auntie Joy Murphy and illustrations from Lisa Kennedy. They focused on the importance of Country when drawing chalk pastels.
Foundation students looked at Lisa Kennedy's illustrations in Tjitji Lullaby and focused on animals when drawing with chalk pastels. They also created emus.
During the week Year 1 and 2 students had Senior Constable Jaclyn and Constable Zara speak about ways to keep safe online. Some things discussed were:
- checking with a trusted adult before going online
- keeping our personal information such as our name, age, birthday, school, address, pictures, videos safe
- choosing safe usernames
- "online friends" are different to the friends we see each day
- turning off chat functions
- nothing is so bad that you can't tell your trusted adult
- Kids Helpline.