Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Welcome back to an action packed Term 3.


School Concert - The staff and students are busy practicing their class performances for the concert. A reminder to go online and purchase your tickets for either the matinee or the evening sessions. The rehearsal day and school concert are a part of the syllabus and is classed as a normal school day. Please ensure you have returned permission notes for your child/children to attend.


Click here to purchase tickets for the concert -


Chess Tournament - Today Eglinton hosted the Chess tournament. Students from a variety of schools across Bathurst attended. It was fantastic to see the concentration on faces and the strategies they were using. Thank you to Mrs Eagle for organising.


Aboriginal Cultural Lessons: This semester, Jordan Boney will be visiting the school every second Thursday to deliver Aboriginal cultural lessons with each class. Jordan will also work with our Aboriginal students on a range of activities.


Cultural Garden: A huge thank you to all the families who donated plants for our Cultural Garden and Mrs Garner, who has worked tirelessly over the holidays preparing garden beds and doing some planting. Another thank you to Rich Murphy, who has donated a load of soil so we are able to continue planting. This space is looking fantastic. 


Kindergarten 100 Days of School - Kindergarten have had a fantastic day celebrating all things 100 today. 100 Days of School is a wonderful opportunity to culminate the learning that has occurred over the first 2 terms of Kindergarten.