Community News

Supporting the learning environment
In an effort to reduce disruptions to learning during school hours, we kindly request that parents/carers do not enter the classrooms whilst in session.
All parents/carers/visitors who visit during school hours are required to report to the school office upon entering school grounds. This includes when students arrive late, are picked-up early, dropping off items of clothing/lunches/bags, etc. The staff in the school office will contact the teacher/student on your behalf, if required.
Daily school schedule |
9.00am – 10.40am Session One and Two |
10.40am – 11.25am Intervallo – Snack or Lunch Break |
11.25am – 1.05pm Session Three and Four |
1.05pm – 1.50pm Pranzo - Lunch or Snack Break |
1.50pm – 3.30pm Session Five and Six |
Volunteering at SKIPPS
All volunteers are required to have a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC). Apply for a free Volunteer WWCC at:
Working with Children Check | (
Before your first volunteer session at SKIPPS, please ensure you present your WWCC card to the School Office for verification. Volunteers are also required to watch the following Parent Helper Induction session, available on the school website under Community, School documents, and review the Child Safe Code of Conduct Policy.
Extra Curricular Activities
At SKiPPS we are excited to provide lots of opportunities for students beyond the classroom to explore and develop their skills and passions. Some of these are offered by our school staff, some by our parent community and others by external providers. Below we have tried to collate all of the opportunities in one place and encourage your child to get involved in 2024.
Name of extra-curricular club | Details | Date and time | Location | Contact details |
School orchestra | Students and parents of all ages and abilities are welcome to join | Wednesday mornings 8:00am | Performing Arts Room | Michael Roper 0433 911 773 (further details below)
Robotics Club | After School for students in Years 1-6
Fees apply | Tuesdays 3:30 - 4:30pm |
School |
Sign up at |
Chess Club | For Years 1-6 | Wednesdays 10:40- 11:25am | School | Sign up at |
Tennis coaching | Before school tennis coaching
Fees apply | Thursdays 8:00 - 8:45am | Albert Park Tennis and Hockey Centre, Hockey drive |
Run Club | Free to join, all students, parents/carers are welcome | 8am- 8:30am every Friday morning during term | Oval next to SKIPPS | Fraser Marsden
Choir | TBC | School | TBC | |
Music Lessons | Fees apply | By appointment | School | See below for Teacher contact details |