Subject Selections Process

Considering the learning journey

Samantha Milbourn Assistant Principal
Shalini Akhil Curriculum Leader
Samantha Milbourn Assistant Principal
Shalini Akhil Curriculum Leader


Students entering Years 9, 10, 11 and 12 next year have begun the process of making their subject selections for 2025.


Supporting students to choose the right subjects can make a huge difference in their school experience and future success.  Providing clear information about what each subject could lead to, whether it is tertiary education, VET or workplace specific jobs, helps them make choices that feel right for them. When students feel supported and understand how their choices can shape their future, they’re more likely to stay engaged and motivated, making their time at school more enjoyable and meaningful. This means they can be more invested in their learning pathway and can accept responsibility in their own learning journey. 


BSC provides a tested pathway for students to follow in order that they can be comfortable making decisions around their learning pathways. It is important that this process allows adequate time for students to consider their options before making their decisions.  

  1. Careers Education is conducted at all year levels in Home Group sessions, supported, informed and developed by the Pathways Coordinator. Students wishing to pursue a particular career or learning pathway can access information either directly or via the online BSC Careers Hub.  This information will inform them and may influence which subjects they choose for their learning pathway.
  2. The BSC Curriculumwebsite offers students and families the opportunity to review  curriculum outline for all year levels. The website includes information about both Core and Elective Subjects with subjects that attract an additional cost (eg Food Studies) clearly indicated.  Please note: any contribution is used solely to provide the materials and resources that a student needs in order to complete the tasks undertaken in that subject.
  3. Subject Expos are conducted for those entering Year 10 and VCE levels, several weeks prior to the Subject Selection deadline.  At these Expos, students can speak directly to instructing teachers regarding a subject so that they can learn about the type of content they will be studying and the expected outcomes of their study.  As well as this, they can chat to students who have already  undertaken the course, and get a student's perspective of the workload and content.  
  4. Students have a period of time to consider what they have learned, discuss subject choices with teachers family members and friends, before submitting their selections.
  5. Subject Selections are submitted to the school via an online portal.
  6. Every student's Subject Selections are considered by a Teaching Panel. Where the panel has any concerns or requires further input from teachers, or feedback from the student/family, this is actioned at this time.
  7. Following Panel review, every student participates in a one-to-one conference with a senior staff member to ensure that they  understand their commitments and are are satisfied that their choices align with their intended pathway, while still providing some potential flexibility.