Focus on Visual Arts

Nicholas Jones, the Book Sculptor

The astounding Nicholas Jones visited our school last term for two weeks as part of our Artist in Residence Program. This initiative is subsidised by the School Council. It not only enriches our Visual Arts Program, but also gives opportunities to both the students and myself to further develop our understandings about what is art!


Nicholas & Marjie
Nicholas & Marjie

It was an overwhelming experience to attend the opening of the Fairfield Primary School Book Sculpture Extravaganza. Art is difficult and almost impossible as a method of financial survival in the modern day, but it has the power to elevate us to a different level.

Bruce Nauman once famously said, “The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths.” 

Congratulations to this group of young artists who have outdone this old boy’s every expectation! 

~ Nicholas Jones


Nicholas revealed his secrets of transforming a hard covered book into a work of art. We folded, and folded, and folded, and sometimes cut to create spectacular book sculptures.


There was lunch time, outside, classroom, even staff meeting book sculpturing!


Every student’s work became part of an exhibition in the Old Hall, which showcased five hundred and eighty book sculptures. What a magnificent exhibition it was, highlighting the imagination and skills of our students!


FPS families have now drained our Op shops of books to convert them into artworks... and instantly have their Christmas gifts sorted! 


If you haven’t had your fill of book sculpting, come to the ART FOR ALL pARTy Day, 8th September, where Nicholas Jones will once again share his book sculpting practice.

Year 6 book sculptures
Looking at books
Nicholas Jones by Sam, 3A
Book sculpture exhibition
More sculptures
Even more sculptures
Staff creating book sculptures
Lunchtime book sculpting
Nicholas Jones sharing his secrets
Year 6 book sculptures
Looking at books
Nicholas Jones by Sam, 3A
Book sculpture exhibition
More sculptures
Even more sculptures
Staff creating book sculptures
Lunchtime book sculpting
Nicholas Jones sharing his secrets


~ Marjie Tkatchenko, Visual Arts Teacher