
The Resilience Project (TRP) will continue to be taught in Term Three as part of our whole school approach and students will deepen their knowledge and skills in Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (G.E.M) and Emotional Literacy. At the beginning of each week, a TRP lesson will be taught with a particular focus and we will use G.E.M Chat to check in and reinforce the learning. An example of the G.E.M Chat is: “What made you smile today” (Gratitude). To further strengthen the learning at school, we will incorporate a G.E.M Chat as part of the Home Learning task.


In addition to the TRP lessons, Level 5 will be teaching a series of lesson focussing on ‘Healthy Friendships’. Also, we will be starting the Year 5 Cohort Games which will be hosted by the Year 5 students. For example, a group of boys will be hosting a soccer game on the oval every Monday during lunch and any Year 5 students are welcome to join. The aim for these lessons and games is to foster positive playing experiences and at the same time promoting positive leadership opportunities.


Key Vocabulary: positive emotion, grateful, gratitude, positive self-talk, deep belly breathing, meditation, 


How can you support your child’s Wellbeing learning at home?   

  • Utilise the Home Learning G.E.M Chat as a conversation prompt.
  • Ask your child about what s/he has learnt in TRP this week.
  • Practice naming emotions (other than happy, sad, excited & tired) with your child. Google “Emotion Chart” to get a list of all the different emotions