Grade 1
Explore the Learning in Grade 1
Grade 1
Explore the Learning in Grade 1
Reading This term, we will be focussing on summarising and retelling stories and information, sentence grammar, fluency, features of information texts, the main idea and key details in nonfiction texts.
It is important that the children continue to read daily with an adult and to practise retelling the stories and information from the texts that they have been reading.
Writing The grade 1’s will continue to focus on developing their understanding and writing of both fiction and nonfiction text. This term the students will learn how information writing is developed. We will aim for the students to create their own published piece of information writing at the end of the term.
The students will continue to have a weekly SMART spelling focus that will require practise at school and at home.
In Grammar students will revise how to use punctuation such as end of sentence punctuation and capital letters. They will also revise and extend what they have learnt about parts of speech including nouns, verbs and adjectives. Students will continue to be encouraged to apply this understanding in their writing.
The students will have a variety of Speaking and Listening experiences which will include community circles, sharing work and taking part in discussions in paired, small group and whole class situations.
This term, our Inquiry focus will be ‘What’s Going on in the Garden?’. Students will explore the difference between living and nonliving things and will learn about the relationships between plants and animals in an ecosystem. We will be investigating minibeasts, their adaptations, external features and how they meet their basic needs, including food, water and shelter living alongside the plants in our garden.
We have already had a visit from Ecolinc, who helped us learn about minibeasts and their body parts. We also have an incursion later in the term, that will focus on the importance of bees to our world.
Maths, students will be learning about a range of mathematical concepts within the three strands of Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics.
They will learn to recognise and represent multiplication as repeated addition, groups and arrays. They also explore location, transformation and develop their understanding of volume and capacity. Students will revise and consolidate their knowledge of place value, as well as addition and subtraction.