Wellbeing Page
Wellbeing Page
We have hit the ground running this term and for the first 5 weeks we will be unpacking our PERMA model.
Below is the Barwon Heads PS interpretation of the PERMA and ideas as to what our students can do to achieve optimal wellbeing whilst at school.
Positive Emotions:
I use many words to express emotions
∙ notice how others are feeling
∙ tell others how I am feeling
∙ use positive thinking skills to improve how I feel
∙pause to clear my head and be aware
∙ have lots to look forward to
∙ use strategies to be calm and happy
∙ think of things to be grateful for
I make the most of my learning opportunities
∙ be enthusiastic towards my learning
∙ tune in to instruction and tasks
∙ use the Learning Focus and Success Criteria
∙ make the most of conferencing time with my teacher
∙ do my best to achieve flow when doing activities I enjoy most
∙ focus on my school-work
∙ follow my class and school rules
∙ think before I act or speak
∙ act with self-control in the classroom and playground
I accept, understand and empathise with others
∙ be a positive bystander
∙ be a bucket filler
∙ be open minded towards others and their ideas.
∙ take responsibility when I make a mistake
∙ forgive others
∙ be kind to everyone
∙ work to fix relationships
∙ include others
∙ care about the feelings of others
I belong to a world bigger than my own.
∙ look after and respect our environment
∙ use the character strengths of positive role models
∙ make decisions, ask questions and reflect on my learning and my goals
∙ use my strengths in all I do
∙ do things that make a positive difference
∙ help others
∙ contribute to developing and using our class expectations
∙ confidently voice my ideas
∙ recognise that I am part of a school and wider community
I have a growth mindset.
∙ think positive thoughts & not give up
∙ challenge myself
∙ always do the best I can
∙ have a growth mindset
∙ learn from my mistakes
∙ believe in myself
∙ achieve my personal best and not compare myself to others
∙ make a plan and work hard to achieve my goals
In addition, we will be teaching explicit social and emotional learning lessons about subjects including Growth Mindset, Responsibility, Upstanding, Respecting Personal Space, Empathy, Positive Self Talk and Stress Management/Mindfulness.