Discovery Centre


Selamat Siang, 

The second week of swimming has been a blast. Students participated in the water safety program, practicing a range of water safety situations including rough water and life jackets! What a good opportunity to learn how to be safe swimmers with all types of water activities. We were also able to write about our swimming and students could share their favourite parts.


Looking forward to a fun week of celebrations and talent next week!

Tegan, Emma and Ashley


  • Next Monday is Mount Pleasant's Got Talent, we're looking forward to seeing how talented our school is.
  • Next Monday is also 100 days of school! Due to the talent show, we will be celebrating on Friday instead. On Friday, students can come dressed up as something that makes them happy! (Favourite colour, favourite character, favourite sports team)
  • The 100 days of school parade is at 3.10pm in the courtyard on Friday. Parents are invited to come along. 

Pupil of the Week 

FC - Melody R

For showing initiative in supporting and helping her classmates without being asked.


FE - Keshav G

For demonstrating enthusiasm and zest throughout the Water Safety program. It has been wonderful to see you improving your skills.


FT - Reya N

For demonstrating a love of learning when exploring place value. It was amazing to see you building two digit numbers using icy pole sticks and recording the numbers that correspond.