Leadership Centre


Selamat siang,


Congradulations to the 5/6 students for their outstanding effort at our water safety swimming program. It is always wonderful to see our 5/6's demonstrating perseverance during the program and representing MPRPS in the community!


The 5/6 leadership centre is excited to announce our term 3 guided inquiry 'Time Machine'! Students have started to explore various museum styles and how we might display our unit of work for our showcase. We have brainstormed different types of artefacts ranging from photos to physical objects that tell a story and hold a significant value. During camp we will be further our exploration through a various activities.


Have a wonderful weekend, 

The Leadership Centre team


  • Camp Medical Google form if you have not already completed it.
  • Thank you to those who have brought in tissues for the class- if you can please bring in tissues that would be amazing!
  • Mt. Pleasant Got Talent Permission on Sentral 
  • A important reminder email was sent out with important information about camp.
  • Our Disco Day will be held in week 4 on the 9th of August.
  • We also have Indonesian Day in week 5 on the 15th of August.

Pupil of the Week

5/6C - Chitra S

For always demonstrating kindness when supporting your peers in class and a positive attitude to learning.


5/6S - Eva D

For demonstrating zest and teamwork during water safety day at swimming.


5/6F - Archer F

For demonstrating a positive attitude during learning tasks and showing the school value of respect to your peers and teachers.


5/6E - Rishi U 

For demonstrating curiosity and teamwork when working with your peers in our Maths investigation.


5/6N - Emilie L

Well done working through the learning pit and challenging yourself to find all the date maths answers!