This week in Prep was very busy!

We started off the week with a fantastic Box Hill North Mini-Olympics Day. Students participated in a range of activities and competed against other classes. Points were also awarded for extra cheering and teamwork. 


100 Days of Prep

Thank you so much for all the effort you continuously go to with costumes and share plates to help make these special occasions SO memorable for our students. Here are some photos:


Our grade 5 buddies come each week to prepare for some fairytale puppet shows. They are currently working on their set design and scripts. Have a look at the photos and watch the progress through the weeks.


Please remember to bring their satchel back EVERY Monday!

In the satchel should be the following: 

  • Decodable readers
  • Library books
  • Homework books

If students don’t bring these back on Monday, it is unlikely we will have time to return and reborrow until the following week. 


Please also ensure you are packing some fruit or vegetable in your child’s lunchbox. They need to have healthy options to help their bodies and brains develop. In their drink bottle should be water only. No juice or milk please.


Thank you for all your support. Please contact your classroom teacher at any time if you have any questions or concerns.


Your Foundation Teachers

Prep Team