Student Awards

Congratulations to all of our hard working students!

Shepherd Shoutouts to the following students of the week. 2/08/24

Student of the week is awarded to..

PREP A - Mrs GStella- Maree - for displaying a positive mindset while at school. Well done 
PREP B - Miss SantillaSamuel M - For always adding detail to your learning and striving for accuracy! Well done! 
1A - Mrs McNamaraSienna L - For showing the qualities of a great sports person throughout our Olympics Week! We are so lucky to have you on our team in 1A! Keep up the great work Sienna! 

1B - Mrs Pettenon & Miss Katie


Chloe P - For being a kind and caring classmate during olympic week and always giving challenging tasks a go! Excellent Chloe!

2A - Miss Belanti & Mrs Hopper


Michele M - For being attentive during class discussions and sharing your thoughts. Well done Michele!
2B - Miss MihocicAlfie A - for using the habit of mind ‘remain open to continuous learning’ when researching an Olympic country! I love your curiosity! 
3B - Miss LapentaEdith F- For always being willing to participate in class discussions and share your ideas. Watching your love for learning grow has been amazing to see and I can't wait to see it continue to grow throughout your learning journey in Year 3. Well Done Edith!
3A - Mrs Iuele & Mrs  MatzarisFelicia - for displaying independence and having an open mind set while adapting to change.
4A - Ms KellyChloe B - For your meticulous attention to detail and for being persistent. Well done Chloe!
4B - Mrs Tasevski

Ava M - for her positive attitude and growth mindset

towards all aspects of school life. Continue to spread your light as

a shining example to others. 

5A - Mrs CareyJordan G- for great sportsmanship during our Olympic week.. Well done Jordan!
5B - Mrs JohnAston D - For displaying the Olympic values of respect, friendship and excellence while engaging in all our Olympic week activities. Well done, Aston!
6A - Mrs AndersonIsaac S - For efficiently taking on feedback in your learning and remaining focused in class. Well done Superstar!
6B - Miss LeeLuke T - For staying focused when completing your tasks in your learning this week. Well done!

P.E - Mr P - Years 3-6

P.E - Mrs Dalton - Year Prep-2 

Joshua B for displaying a very mature and respectful attitude when listening to the Athletics Team announcement. Following the announcement, Josh took time to congratulate his other classmates that had been selected. Fantastic sportsmanship Josh!


Charlotte N PB- for always showing a positive and persistent attitude while completing all tasks in PE.

Music -  Mr PietschAngelina P (3B) - for enthusiastic participation and cooperation during our music incursion this week, as well as demonstrating great enthusiasm and commitment to our newly formed choir!
Italian - Mrs ZaffinaRose K (1A) - For always having a go and making a great effort in Italian classes. Bravissima Rose!
Stem -   Mrs PeelEmma S (2A) - for using her amazing Minecraft skills to teach and support all her peers to use Minecraft Education.
Art -       Mrs GarroIsla (1B) - For working so hard to develop new skills in Art. So proud of you Isla. 


Shepherd Shoutouts to the following students of the week. 9/08/24

Student of the week is awarded to..

PREP A - Mrs G


Alyssia - for always showing kindness to your friends when working in a collaborative environment. You’re a superstar!
1A - Mrs McNamaraLucille G - For having a ‘you can do it’ attitude towards your learning. Well done Lucille for always giving things a go especially during our ‘daily review’ time!

1B - Mrs Pettenon & Miss Katie


Lana P - For your brilliant effort in literacy rotations, and practising your reading strategies! Keep up the wonderful work! 

2A - Miss Belanti & Mrs Hopper


Ava M - For showing resilience and persistence when in the learning pit. You are a role model for your peers. Well done Ava! 
2B - Miss MihocicArchie B - For having such a positive attitude to his learning. He is not afraid to ask questions and always gets involved! 
3B - Miss LapentaOliver Z- For persisting through challenging learning tasks. Your ability to think creatively and flexibly has been amazing to see. Well Done Oliver!
3A - Mrs Iuele & Mrs  MatzarisTiffany G for great work ethics and always having a positive attitude towards learning . Congratulations!
4A - Ms KellyMikayla H - For showing kindness and including everyone in class or on the yard! Well done Mikayla!
4B - Mrs Tasevski 
5A - Mrs CareyAzura - Showing kindness and support to others like Mary MacKillop. Well done Azura!
5B - Mrs JohnEliera - For displaying the Habit of Mind ”Persistence” while engaging in our Assembly preparations and going out of your comfort zone to do your best. Well done, Eliera! 
6A - Mrs Anderson

Elijah W for persisting in your historical narrative,  you have placed a lot of effort into this task.  Well done !


Sofia P For always thinking flexibly. and receiving feedback on your tasks with such an open mind. You understand and are willing to  upskill your tasks to a higher standard. 

6B - Miss LeeRubie Y - For using the Habit of Mind ‘Thinking about Thinking’ during whole class discussions. Well done!

P.E - Mr P - Years 3-6

P.E - Mrs Dalton - Year Prep-2 

Nolan Z - for always having a positive and resilient attitude when participating in PE! Well done Nolan! 

Massimo Rulli (PB)- for showing great sportsmanship and being an excellent role model in PE. 

Music -  Mr PietschEric K (4A) - for excellent commitment and attitude to choir through attending all our rehearsals and being part of our first performance as our first male voice! 
Italian - Mrs ZaffinaThomas C (Prep A) -for being a SUPER enthusiastic learner of Italian! Fantastico Tommaso!
Stem -   Mrs Peel

Marcus K (2B) - for sharing his skills in Minecraft Education and supporting his Peers.

Noah M (5A) - for sharing his knowledge in Minecraft Education and helping his peers and teachers.

Art -       Mrs GarroLucas (2A) - Fantastic imagination and creativity to design a mascot for our school. Great work Lucas.