Our Faith - Religious Education

LENT 2025 Ash Wednesday 5th March
Ash Wednesday, is the first day of Lent, occurring 6 1/2 weeks before Easter.
Lent is 40 days of fasting, praying & giving, in imitation of Jesus' fast in the desert.
On Ash Wednesday we receive a cross marked on the forehead with the ashes obtained by burning the palms used on the previous year’s Palm Sunday. The ashes remind us to turn our hearts toward God.
Ash Wednesday, 5th March we are having a whole School Mass at 12noon in the Cathedral. All parents & families are welcome to join our two Catholic Schools at Mass with the Parish.
Shrove Tuesday 4th March
Mini Vinnies will be selling pancakes for Shrove Tuesday. Please order pancakes on Compass via the Canteen option and select Tuesday, 4th March as the order date. Pancakes will be $1.00 each and there will be plain, jam or gluten free options.
Please order pancakes before Monday at 2pm.
Shrove Tuesday is the last day before we enter the season of Lent. Lent is a time of preparation for the feast of Easter. During Lent, we give special attention to prayer (attending to quality more so than quantity), fasting (emptying ourselves that we may be filled with the life and love of Christ) and good deeds (not to win admiration for ourselves but to help others). Though it has a penitential character, Lent is a joyful season as we anticipate the resurrection of the Lord
All money raised from Shrove Tuesday will go towards Project Compassion.
Project Compassion - Unite Against Poverty
On Ash Wednesday we will send home your Project Compassion Box. This box is for your 'Giving' during Lent. It will support Caritas Australia in relief programs with marginalised communities around the world.
Project Compassion Lenten Prayer
God of our journey
we are all pilgrims of hope
brought together by your love
and your wish that we may all be one.
We pray that in this Year of Jubilee
when we are called to greater justice
and care for our common home
that we may Unite Against Poverty.
May we work in unity for the freedom of the oppressed
and the renewal of creation.
May our compassionate minds and generous hearts
help bring about a world where all can live in peace.
May our Lenten pilgrimage of fasting, almsgiving and prayer
bring us closer to your loving heart.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Term 1 Class Mass Dates /Cathedral
Week 4 21/2 9:15am | Year 6 |
Week 5 28/2 9:15am | Year 5 |
Week 6 5/3 12 Noon | Ash Wednesday 5th March |
Week 7 14/3 9:15am | Year 4 |
Week 8 21/3 9:15am | Year 3 |
Week 9 28/3 9:15am | Year 2 |
Week 10 4/4 9:15am | Year 1 & Kindergarten |
Week 11 | Easter Prayer Assemblies School Hall (Time TBC) ES1/S1 S2 S3 |
Confirmation Dates for 2025
Confirmation Enrolment Evening Wednesday 19th March at 6pm, Cathedral
Lesson 1 Sunday - 30th March 9am Cathedral
Lesson 2 Sunday - 6th April 9am Cathedral
(School Holidays)
Lesson 3 Sunday - 4th May 9am Cathedral
Lesson 4 Sunday - 11th May 9am Cathedral
Lesson 5 Sunday - 18th May 9am Cathedral
Lesson 6 Sunday - 25th May 9am Cathedral
Lesson 7 Practice -Sunday 1 June 9am Cathedral
Pentecost Sunday - 10am Mass 8 June
Pilgrims of Hope – The 2025 Jubilee Year
The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,”
Pope Francis is inviting Catholics worldwide to renew their faith and embrace a journey of spiritual renewal, unity, and service. A Jubilee Year is a special time of grace, marking an opportunity for deeper prayer, reconciliation, and acts of love and mercy. As a school community, we are called to reflect on how we can be pilgrims of hope - bringing kindness, peace, and faith into our daily lives. Throughout the year, we will explore ways to grow in hope, walk together in faith, and respond to God’s call to love one another. Let us embark on this jubilee year with open hearts, seeking to make a positive difference in our school, our homes and the wider community.
Jubilee 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope (Youtube)
The Jubilee Prayer
To pray and download the Prayer for the 2025 Jubilee, click here. Copies of the Jubilee Prayer are available in Braille. Please contact the Office of Deaf and Disabilities Ministry for a copy: specialneedsministry@adw.org or 301-853-4560.
The Jubilee Logo
To learn about the meaning of the logo for the 2025 Jubilee, click here.
Official Hymn for Jubilee
Click here to listen to the hymn.
Administrator Father Damien Locke
Assistant Priest Father Anthony Koppman
phone 67722218
Mass Times
Saturday Vigil Mass 6 pm
Sunday 8 am, 10 am & 5:30 pm
Diocesan Prayer Card