From the Principal

Mrs Belinda Burton 

Week 4 Term 1

Calm Classrooms and Productive Learning 

As I walk through the school and classrooms, I have been very impressed with how the children have returned to school and commenced learning.  Our Living Well, Learning Well framework supports us in the way we work. Each day we are reminded that all students have the right to learn in a safe and happy environment. As safe, valued, respected, and cared for learners we strive to be the best versions of ourselves ensuring that self-discipline and respect for ourselves and others is our priority. 



Beginning of School Year Mass   

Thank you Fr Damien & Fr Anthony for our Mass last Friday.  Our 2025 student leaders were commissioned and their badges were blessed and presented during the Mass. These wonderful leaders are already showing their leadership qualities across all areas of our school.



Swimming Carnival 

Congratulations, and well done to all the students who participated in our school's Swimming Carnival. We were blessed with sunshine, resulting in a wonderful display of competition and house fellowship. Thank you to the staff & parents who contributed to the success of the event. The students' enthusiasm and sportsmanship was truly inspiring and I would like to commend our Year 6 Leaders for their exceptional leadership and participation throughout the day.  Thank you Mr Lester for organising the carnival. 

Congratulations to the students who have qualified to compete at the Diocesan Swimming Carnival in Gunnedah on Friday 28th February. We wish you all every success. Good luck! 


2025 National Servicemen's Commemoration Day Service 

On Sunday the Armidale and District National Servicemen's Association held a Commemoration Service at the National Servicemen's Monument located in Central Park Armidale.  Our 2025 School Captains took part by placing a wreath. Our Captains should feel a sense of pride as they represented St Mary's Primary School exceptionally well and served as outstanding ambassadors.



P & F Welcome BBQ- Postponed

Thank you to the P & F for organising the BBQ for Thursday evening. Unfortunately it was postponed due to the weather. The P & F will meet and set a new date for the BBQ. 

TERM 1 Parent Teacher Meet & Greet Interviews 

During Weeks 4-6 Teachers will meet with Parents to discuss and reflect on learning goals for the coming year. Thank you families for your ongoing support as we work together to provide quality educational opportunities for all children.

Best Start - Kindergarten

Best Start Interviews were held with each Kindergarten student before starting school. The purpose of these assessments is to provide teachers with information regarding the literacy and numeracy skills of each student on entry to Kindergarten.  While it is not expected that Kindergarten students start school demonstrating all skills assessed during Best Start, it is important for teachers to know where students are at in order to perform the teaching and learning. 


Kindergarten teachers will conduct Parent Teacher Meetings with Kindergarten parents during Week 7.  At these meetings, they will give feedback on the Best Start and suggest ways parents can support learning at home.

NAPLAN 2025 - Year 3 & Year 5

NAPLAN testing will take place in Weeks 7, 8, and  9 (Wednesday 12th March- 24th March) of this term. Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit tests for Writing, 12th March, Reading & Language Conventions, 13th March and Numeracy, 18th March. Please refrain from making appointments during school time on these test days. It is important that your child is available on the day unless they are unwell. In the case of illness students will be able to sit the test on Thursday, 20th March until Monday, 24th March.


Further information for parents and carers can be found here:


I encourage all parents of students in Years 3 and 5 to explore the Public Demonstration Site with your child you will find sample questions for each of the areas assessed.


Click below to see a short video showing how to navigate the Public Demonstration Site.