News From Bexley!

Hello Everyone! It's Bexley here. I just wanted to drop by and say "woof woof!" - that's hello in dog talk!
I have been having the most amazing time meeting and getting to know all of the students, staff and families of St Mary's. Everyone has been excited to see me and spend time with me.
I have been exploring the school grounds, including the community garden and discovering lots and lots of new smells. I've been planning Drama classes with Mrs Kirkpatrick, spending time in the classroom with Miss Leyonhjelm and taking walks with Mrs Corfield and Mrs Faoro.
After all my socialising I like to take a nap with Mrs Freshwater... I take the nap not Mrs Freshwater! I was a bit cheeky the other day. I slept behind her chair and trapped her at the desk.
If you see me around the school and want to say hello, ask the person who is with me first please and remember the 3 very important expectations which help me to feel calm and relaxed when I am at work (your school):
- Say hello to the person - not Me
- Give Me lots of space when you pass Me
- Keep moving - do not stand and stare at Me
Until next time,
Love and licks from Bexley!