Change to Before and After school care

St Mary's Primary school currently uses the provider Elysium for Before and After school care, as well as vacation care. The Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS) have made the decision to run all of these programs within Catholic Schools in Melbourne. They are called MACSEYE. They are taking over services over this year and the start of 2026. St Mary's has been notified that the MACSEYE will begin services at the beginning of Term 2. Please read the letter below for further information. They will not begin the service until Week 2 of Term 2, there will be no care available for the first week of Term 2.
Dear students and families,
I’m writing to inform you that we’ve engaged MACSEYE to provide Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) for our students and families. They will start operating and providing OSHC from Term 2 2025. First day of Service for Before and After School Care will be Monday 28th April, due to transition arrangements with our existing provider. MACSEYE will be using the first week of Term 2 to set up the service. Vacation Care will be offered from the July School Holidays.
MACSEYE is a newly approved provider, set up by the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) to offer a range of early childhood and school aged care programs.
MACSEYE is committed to see every child and family flourish. Their programs are designed to foster a sense of identity, health and well-being.
As a Catholic provider, MACSEYE will have strong links with our school and local parish, working together to build a vibrant community of support for children and families.
MACSEYE is an approved registered provider, and sets a high standard of quality in line the National Quality Standards.
I’m confident MACSEYE will provide a high quality service for our students.
If you have any questions, please let me know or you can also email MACSEYE directly at
Please note enrolment information and links are to follow soon.
They are looking for staff for a range of different services they are opening around Melbourne. If you are interested please see the flyer below.