




1/2JaneGusPersistenceFor his hard work to complete all his learning tasks and his determination to always do his best! Keep it up!
3/4Courtney and AlisonHopeDo your bestFor doing her best with her writing and being willing to elaborate on her ideas. 
56DDanielMasonDo your bestFor a brilliant start to the year. You have challenged yourself in all areas of learning and are taking on challenges with enthusiasm. Keep it up!
56S SonyaMayaHelp others succeedFor the great start to the year you have had! 🎉 You are working well in group and partner activities, 🤝 showing respect and great collaborative skills 🤗. Keep up the amazing effort! 🌟👏.






Lincoln 56DDo your best

Lincoln, you demonstrated your ability to hold yourself accountable as a focused learner. You continued to try your best, showing great persistence towards improving your Auslan skills.

Keep up the great work! 

Performing ArtsLaurenSadie Do your bestFor her efforts staying focused and demonstrating wonderful listening skills. Well done.
Visual ArtKate WMossDo your bestI love your creative thinking in art, you always think out of the box and come up with such interesting ideas. Keep up the great work. 
 Mr McLilliana 56SPersistenceFor being recognised by her peers working hard at trying to solve a challenging maths problem.  Well done, keep up this great attitude to learning and embracing the struggle
Plot to PotRosieAntony Do Your BestWell done on your focus and engagement in Plot to Pot! 🍽️ You were so willing and helpful when making muffins 🧁, and I was particularly impressed that you wiped the tables without being asked 🧽✨. Thank you! 🙏👏