
Welcome to our wellbeing newsletter. Each fortnight we will have updates about our wellbeing program and what is going on in our school community. First, let me introduce the team. 



I have been at Menzies Creek since 2020. In my time here I have taught years five and six, PE and Art. This year I’m taking on the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader role and I am so excited to jump into this new role and Menzies. 


This initiative involves several key responsibilities, including: 

  • Building the capacity of the school staff to identify and support students with mental health concerns. 
  • Create clear care pathways and connect students needing further assessment and intervention to relevant services. 
  • Coordinating targeted mental health support for students by working with school staff, school community members and external agencies. 
  • Implementing effective mental health strategies aligned with social and emotional learning and adopting a whole-school approach to wellbeing and learning initiatives. 


You will see me Monday - Thursday in the BER building first thing in the morning. Please feel free to come and say hi and have a chat. I look forward to getting input from the school community about Mental Health and Wellbeing, and areas you think we can improve on. 







Hi, I’m Hollie, the school Chaplain. I’ve been working at MCPS since 2019, both as a chaplain and casual relief teacher. My role is to support student wellbeing in the school which I do in both individual and group sessions. I believe that listening is a gift that I can share with students who are struggling either at school or home. I seek positive, strength based solutions where problems have arisen and I love the creativity and resilience that students show. I like watercolour painting, playing board games and using my imagination. I also enjoy nature and feel so grateful for the beautiful surroundings that I get to work in here at Menzies. 


You can find us in the Wellbeing Hub inside the front doors of the BER Building. Hollie works on Monday and Wednesday. Kate is here Monday to Thursday. You can also email us on: 


