Gardening News

I hope you’ve had a relaxing break and now enjoying the gardening produce on display as you walk into school past the garden. You’ll notice long snake like zucchini tromboncinos, Galeux D’Eysine pumpkins, corn, chilli’s, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflowers, etc. 


A big thank you to the Cooray, Speekman, and Malik families for caring after the chickens and garden in the holidays. These chickens are particularly popular due to their friendly nature and superb egg laying abilities so I’d like to thank the many families who put their hands up. 


Welcome to the new families to the school community. We sell produce for a gold coin donation and eggs for 50c each. Produce and eggs can be purchased in the office, and I’m teaching on Fridays so you can always see what’s available then.


We are focussing on diverting all food waste from landfill this term and year, so please ask your child to explain why we are doing this and how the system works. Gardening classes will start with learning about the different composting systems at St Cs.


Anna Clarkson

Sustainability and Gardening Teacher