Principal's Report

Dear St. Cecilia's Community,
Welcome to the 2025 school year! It has been wonderful to see our students settling back into the rhythm of school life, reconnecting with friends, and embracing new opportunities for learning. We hope these first few weeks have been a positive start for your family and that you are feeling refreshed and ready for a year filled with possibilities.
At St. Cecilia’s, we are blessed to be part of a community that is built on respect, care, and a shared commitment to nurturing each child’s growth. Together, we will create an environment where every student is encouraged to explore, learn, and flourish. The year ahead holds so much promise, and we look forward to sharing this journey with you.
St. Cecilia’s Vision Statement "An inclusive community that inspires courageous learners to make a difference by living Christ’s love for others."
Below, you’ll find important information to help ensure a smooth and successful start to the year. We appreciate you taking the time to read through the details, and we thank you for your continued support in making St. Cecilia’s such a wonderful place to learn and grow.
Term 1 : Key Dates and Information
Over the next couple of weeks we have scheduled a number of important events to help communicate with each other about the year ahead.
📌 Class Information Nights – We encourage at least one parent to attend their child's session. These sessions will set out specific expectations, routines and events relevant to each year level. They will also be an opportunity for parents to ask general questions about the year ahead for their child.
Tuesday 11th February: Yr 1: 5:30 – 6:15 pmYr 2: 6:20 – 7:00pmYr 3: 7:10 – 8:00pm
Wednesday 12th February: Yr 4: 6:00 – 6:45pmYr 5/6: 6:50 – 7:35pm
📌 Whole School Opening Term Mass – Friday 14th February at 9:15am
All family members are warmly welcomed to join us for our first school liturgy of the year.
📌 Meet and Greet Sessions – Tuesday 18th February (more details to come).
This is a great opportunity for parents to discuss their child's specific needs with the teacher. The focus of these meetings is on the parents letting their teachers know all about their children.
📌 Foundation Information Night – Wednesday 19th February from 7:00 – 8:00pm
Parents/Visitors Code of Conduct
St. Cecilia's is committed to providing a respectful and safe learning environment for all. We ask that parents, carers, and visitors uphold our core values and model positive behaviors when engaging with the school. This Code of Conduct (attached below) applies both on school grounds and during school-related activities.
As part of our digital General Permissions process, all parents/carers are required to read and agree to the Parents/Visitors Code of Conduct.
General Permissions
We require general permissions from families regarding:
- Parent contact details shared with classroom reps.
- Use of student images on social media and in school publications.
- Other necessary school permissions.
This information is essential, and students may not be able to participate in certain activities without it. Please complete the General Permissions Google Form by Friday, February 14, via the link provided.
School Hours
- Start of the School Day: Students must arrive by 8:45 am. Classes begin promptly at 8:50 am.
- Morning Snack: 11:05 am - 11:15 am (eaten indoors)
- Morning Recess: 11:15 am - 11:45 am
- Lunch Eating Time: 1:20 pm - 1:30 pm (eaten indoors)
- Lunch Recess: 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm
- Dismissal: 3:30 pm
For safety reasons, students should not arrive before 8:30 am.
Absences & Late Arrivals
- If your child is absent, please notify the school between 8:45 am - 9:15 am via phone or email. A written note or email is required to provide a reason for the absence.
- Late arrivals (after 8:50 am) must report to the office where a parent/carer must sign them in.
- If a student is leaving early, parents/carers must report to the office, and our admin team will arrange for the student to meet you there.
All absences and late arrivals are recorded and appear on student reports.
Before & After School Care
Our Before and After School Care program is facilitated by MACSEYE.
MACSEYE is a new approved provider, established by Melbourne Archdiocese
Catholic Schools to offer a high quality Outside Schools Hours Care (OSHC)
OSHC program
• For 5–12 year olds
• Monday to Friday [term time]
• Before School – 7:15am-8:55am
• After School – 3:30pm-6:30pm
Parking & Traffic Safety
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, please adhere to the following parking guidelines:
- Parking is available on Hillside Parade, Malvern, and Van Ness Avenues.
- No parking is allowed on the Church car park during school hours.
- Please avoid using the Staff Car Park, Church driveway, and Parish House driveway on Malvern Rd for drop-offs and pick-ups.
- Council parking officers regularly monitor the area and issue fines for illegal parking.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our school community safe.
Appointments with Teachers
- Teachers are happy to meet briefly during morning line-up or after school (except Mondays & Tuesdays due to staff meetings).
- For longer discussions, please schedule an appointment.
Emailing Teachers
- Email is a great way to communicate but may not always receive an immediate response.
- Staff will acknowledge emails within two working days during school hours (8 am - 5 pm, Mon-Fri). We are big believers in pacing and segmenting life. So in the good name of practising what we teach and ensuring that we can give you our 100% every time we are in touch, please note that we will endeavour to reply within 24 hours. Your email will have been safely received and will be given all the attention it deserves as soon as possible.
- Please do not email teachers on weekends or holidays.
To use email effectively in a school setting, we have developed the following guidelines for parents/carers:
Email is appropriate for:
- Brief enquiries about general school matters
- School related issues only
- To pass on relevant information to the appropriate personnel e.g. minor issue
- As a communication tool between teachers and parents.
- When agreed between the teacher and the parent (following a face-to-face contact) email may be used as a form of regular communication about a student’s day at school in place of a communication book.
Email is not ideal for:
- Your child’s academic progress. This is best addressed through a telephone conversation or a personal conference with your child’s teacher.
- Use as a tool for in depth discussion but can be used to raise a topic to be discussed at a face to face meeting
- Sending non-vital messages by this medium. For example, do not use email to inform the school that your child is to meet you somewhere when the day ends. Instead, use the telephone to contact the office to be sure that the message is received and clearly understood.
- Threatening or offensive language
When sending email:
- Identify yourself in the subject line of your email and if appropriate, the name of your child.
- It should only be addressed to the intended recipient ( To: as the primary recipient)
- The use of ‘Cc’ (Carbon copy) is to be used if you would like another recipient to be aware of your email as a secondary recipient but not as an invitation to respond
- Ensure emails are respectfully written, as meaning can be misinterpreted.
School Communication Platforms
- Audiri App (formerly Skoolbag) – our primary communication platform.
- Email – used regularly for updates.
- School Website:
- Google Calendar & Google Forms for permission slips and surveys.
- Class Dojo for classroom updates (further details to come).
Whatsapp Group protocols
St. Cecilia’s School understands the benefits of using social media; however if misused, the school community can be negatively affected. The school’s reputation can be damaged and relationships between staff, students and parents can be impacted.
Any Whatsapp groups that parents may be involved in (with other school parents) is not driven, monitored or verified by the school. To ensure inclusivity, all of our school events will be advertised and promoted via email, Audiri and the school Newsletter.
We appreciate the simplicity and ease of instant messaging online; and that keeping in contact outside of school can benefit the school community by keeping the school community closer.
We expect parents to behave in a civilised nature online and will not tolerate the posting of defamatory ‘statuses’ about fellow parents, pupils, the school or its employees. St. Cecilia’s has a Complaints Procedures Policy in place, to avoid parents broadcasting grievances online.
Assembly and Weekly Awards
Assemblies are held throughout the year on Friday afternoons at 3:00pm in the school hall. Our Year 6 Leaders host these assemblies and present relevant information to the students regarding recent or upcoming events. Students also receive awards for good work, exemplary behaviour and various achievements. Parents are most welcome to attend!
Children must wear a school hat during playtimes, lunch times and any outside activity in Term 1 and Term 4. They will be reminded to re-apply their personal sunscreen before they go outdoors.
The School iNewsletter will be sent via Audiri to every family once a fortnight.
Smartwatch Policy Update
As we continue to prioritize an optimal learning environment for our students, we want to address a growing concern regarding the use of smartwatches at school.
This year, students will be required to keep their smartwatches in their school bags for the duration of the school day. This policy is essential for several reasons:
Minimizing Distractions Smartwatches, like smartphones, can be a significant source of distraction in the classroom. Features such as notifications, games, and messaging can divert students’ attention from their learning and disrupt the classroom environment.
Encouraging Social Interaction The primary school years are crucial for social development. Reducing the use of smartwatches during school hours encourages students to engage with their peers and build essential interpersonal skills.
Protecting Privacy and Security Some smartwatches include cameras and audio recording capabilities, raising privacy concerns for both students and staff. Limiting their use helps maintain a secure and respectful school environment.
Promoting Safety and Well-being Alerts and notifications during school hours can be distracting and pose risks, especially during physical activities. Keeping smartwatches stored away ensures students remain focused and fully engaged in their learning and play.
Fostering Responsibility and Self-Regulation Understanding appropriate times and places for technology use is an important life skill. This policy helps students develop self-regulation and responsibility.
We understand that smartwatches can be a convenient way for parents to stay in touch with their children. Please rest assured that our teaching and office staff are always available to assist with urgent communication needs. Therefore we ask that parents are not to communicate via these devices to their children during the day.
Thank you for your support in fostering a focused, secure, and positive learning environment for all students. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Parents Association
Educational research on the involvement of parents in schools shows that children thrive when parents and teachers work together.
Our Parents’ Association (PA) at St. Cecilia’s consists of a group of dedicated parents who work together for the benefit of the school community.
The Parent’s Association provides the formal structure necessary to ensure effective organisation and action. They provide some important services to the school community such as:
- Promoting a sense of community spirit within the school through the organising of parent and community functions and social events
- Managing school fundraising opportunities
- Providing an opportunity for parents to connect, make friends and learn more about what is going on at St. Cecilia’s
- Sharing the responsibility for the management of in school services such as the Canteen
- Supporting new families to the school.
- Organising and managing significant celebrations, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparents Day
- Supporting Year 6 Graduation
- Looking for ways to improve the family and school partnership by meeting regularly with the school Principal
Please consider becoming a member, particularly if you are relatively new to our school community. We acknowledge that many of us have very busy lives and can’t commit too heavily, but on occasions throughout the year there will be opportunities aimed at various Year levels that require assistance. We will advertise and promote when these occasions are happening so that you can prepare and endeavour to contribute in any way you can. We will provide a contact person for all events that can guide your questions or offer assistance.
“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child's success is the positive involvement of parents.”
If you would like to know more or get involved in any capacity you can email our president: Georgie Carman <>
Update Information Reminder
At the start of each year, it is crucial, from a child safety and wellbeing perspective, that we have the most up-to-date information for all students. To ensure we can support your child effectively and communicate easily when needed, we kindly ask that you notify us as soon as possible of any changes to the following:
- Medical Updates – Any new medical conditions, medication changes, or updated medical action plans (e.g., asthma, anaphylaxis, allergies).
- New families in particular are asked to complete any required medical action plans or administration forms using an approved document available from the school office. Please contact us if you require a copy.
- Personal Details – Changes to your address, phone numbers, or emergency contact details.
Please send any updated information directly to our Admin staff member, Lucy Csaplar, at as soon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us keep all students safe and well-supported.
We are looking forward to another fantastic year at St. Cecilia’s and thank you for your support in making 2025 a positive, enriching, and faith-filled experience for all.
Have a great weekend!
Marty McKenna
St Cecilia’s Primary School