Learning and Teaching

Ru Lameijn - Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching Leader and R.E. Leader

Week Three is nearly at an end!

Can you believe that week three is nearly completed!? I has been a great and busy few days.

The Learning and Teaching Team

This year, Trinity has a team of learning and teaching leaders and experts. 

Ms Anna Plackett is our Literacy Leader, Ms Bridget O'Connor is our Numeracy Leader, Ms Kate Foley (Prep to Two), Ms Annie O'Donnell (Year Three and Four) and Ms Patrice Evans (Year Five and Six) are our intervention and extension teachers, and Ms Helen Varthalis and Mr Ru Lameijn are our Learning and Teaching Leaders. Together we bring more than 100 years of teaching and learning expertise and experience to Trinity and we look forward to working with your children, our students. 

Prep & Year One/Two testing

Our prep teachers last week, and Year One/Two teachers this week, have started their beginning of the year testing. These tests are a great opportunity to see where our students are at after the holidays. We use the results of these tests to focus our teaching in the areas where it is most effective for the whole grade, whole class, small group and individual levels. 

NAPLAN preparation - Grade Three and Five

In March, most of our Year Three and Five Students will sit the annual NAPLAN tests. Our students prepare for these tests by sitting some practice tests in test conditions, so that, especially our Year Three Students, can get used to this specific testing situation. 


Our programs in Mathematics and Literacy are developed in such a way that the NAPLAN style questions are regularly unpacked with our students throughout all the years prior to the test as well as during their NAPLAN years. 


Furthermore, NAPLAN is a test that tests the accumulation of knowledge and skills developed in all the years of schooling, not just Years Three and Five. 


Further information will follow for our Year Three and Five families.

Learning Events/Opportunities in Term One

Home Learning Commences (Week Three - Monday 10/2)

First Aid In School for students (Week Six - Wednesday 5/3)

NAPLAN - Years Three and Five (Weeks 7, 8 and 9)


If at any time you would like to chat about the learning at Trinity, or you have any questions or concerns about your child's learning, please do not hesitate to see your child's teacher Ms Helen or myself. 


Mr Ru Lameijn - Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching Leader and R.E. Leader