Important Dates and Events coming up at Trinity

Term 1 Overview of Dates and Activities at Trinity Please see HERE or 

attachment below.



  • Friday the 7th - Whole School Assembly led by 5/6BOC & 1/2DG are presenting their learning  - Seated by 2.40pm.

Week 3 (Mon 10th Feb to Fri 14th Feb) 

  • Friday the 14th - Whole School Assembly led by 3/4 TR & 5/6FA are presenting their learning - Seated by 2.40pm. 

Week 4 (Mon 17th Feb to Fri 21th Feb)

  • Wednesday the 19th - District Swimming - nominated 3 to 6 students - information to follow for selected students. 
  • Thursday the 20th - Fitclub from 7.30am
  • Thursday the 20th - Family Welcome Night - Bring a dish from your heritage - 5.30pm to 7.30pm - All Welcome 
  • Friday the 21st - Whole School Assembly led by 3/4 VA & 5/6BOC are presenting their learning - Seated by 2.40pm. 

Week 5 (Mon 24th Feb to Fri 28th Feb)

  • Thursday the 27th - Fitclub from 7.30am
  • Friday the 28th - Whole School Assembly led by 1/2DG & 3/4VA are presenting their learning - Seated by 2.40pm. 

Week 6 School Closure Day (Student Free) Friday 7th March

In week 6, Friday 7th March will be a Student Free Day to enable our whole staff to participate in a "Team Teach" Training Program as part of our whole school approach to Student Wellbeing. 


Our Trinty School Community Calendar is live and so I encourage you to check in regularly for any updates or changes to scheduled events.

You can subscribe to this calendar using te link below.