
Inquiry - Term 1

This term our whole school throughline is called ‘Our Place in the World.’ This unit focuses on Geography and geographical skills and seeks to build our students’ understanding of their place and Australia’s place in the world. Students will be exploring key characteristics of Coburg, Melbourne, Australia, our neighbouring countries and other countries, focusing on the key concept of ‘connection’ across these locations.


English Curriculum

With the ongoing update of the Victorian Curriculum, this year will see St Bernard’s adopt the new English 2.0 curriculum throughout 2025. Staff have been receiving professional development to assist them with the changes to the curriculum to support successful implementation for our students. This follows our adoption of the new Mathematics Curriculum 2.0 in 2024. 



If you have any troubles accessing our child’s Seesaw account please contact the school at schooladmin@stbernardscoburg.catholic.edu.au and I will be happy to support you. Seesaw is a wonderful way to get a glimpse at different aspects of your child’s learning throughout the year. 


Iain Reed

Deputy Principal / Learning and Mathematics Leader