From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
We have had a very smooth start to our year and it feels like our Foundation students have been here much longer than 5 days. We are very proud of them. All grades have been working through organisational routines and expectations and learning about their new classmates. We have a very exciting term of learning around the throughline, ’Our Place in the World’. More information will be shared throughout the term in the newsletter as well as via Seesaw.
Beginning of School Year Mass
At 9:30am this Friday we will celebrate our Beginning of the School Year Mass. Parents are welcome to stay in the hall, following the breakfast, if they would like to also attend the Mass. Families can sit with their children and the grade during Mass. Our Year 6 students leaders will also receive their badges at Mass.
Welcome Breakfast
Our annual Welcome breakfast for families will also be held this Friday 7th February from 8:15am- 9:15am. Families are welcome to join us for breakfast (cereal, toast, juice and hot drinks (for adults only). Come for a quick cuppa and catch up, stay until your children go into class at 9:00am, or stay and join us in the Church for our Mass at 9:30am. Please reply to let us know if you are attending the breakfast.
For child safety reasons, no students should be attending the breakfast without an adult. If your family is not attending the breakfast, supervision the yard will be as normal, with the gates opening at 8:30am.
Communication Protocols between Parents and Staff
We recognise the importance and value of communication between staff and parents and want to make this as easy as possible given the daily work constraints for our staff. Staff are able to be contacted via their individual school email addresses and via Seesaw. Email addresses will be made available in the curriculum information which is sent via Seesaw and in hard copy at the beginning of each term.
Student absences must be reported via the Skoolbag app, phone call or to not to teachers directly or via Seesaw.
Any time sensitive, important issues or information you feel the teacher needs to know that morning, should be done so through the Office either, personally, via phone call or email to
Staff will respond to emails, either via return email or phone call within 48 hours.
Staff do not access emails after 3:45pm. If your child has two teachers (job share) please include them both in any email communication. Seesaw is a quick, informal means to communicate with staff around informal, non-urgent questions or comments.
The reason for all the above protocols is to ensure clear and timely communication. Staff in schools cannot be guaranteed to open their emails/ seesaw account every morning before students arrive given their duties and meeting commitments. They may not be able to get to read messages and emails until later in the day.
Medication & Medical Management Policies
As you would be aware there are specific Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) processes and polices in place regarding the management of health and medical conditions and the administration of all medication at school.
Parents are required to inform the school of their child’s health care and medical conditions upon enrolment or at any time throughout their time at our school, following diagnosis. In these cases, a Medical Management plan must be completed.
It is recommended in the MACs policies that medication NOT be administered at school. If there is no option, there are specific process in place, including the completion of Medical Authority Form, which is available from the Office.
If you have any questions regarding these polices and processes, please make time to meet with me. Foundation families will receive a more detailed letter about this in their contact details pack to be sent home in the next week.
School Uniform.
We want our students to have a sense of pride in our school and one of way of doing this is by the way we wear our school uniform. Whilst families have a choice of when and what uniform to wear, (summer or winter), we ask that the complete uniform is worn (not a mix of both). Important aspects of our policy include the following:-
- Shoulder length or longer hair must be tied back
- No jewellery except for a watch and one piece of religious jewellery, is to be worn.
- Hair accessories are to be in school colours and should be a simple design
- School shoes, not runners are to be worn unless it is a Sports uniform day.
If your child is out of uniform for any reason, please let us know in writing. We appreciate your help and support is starting the year off positively in regards to this.
We do not encourage or recommend that students have phones at school. We recognise that it is a family decision and as such have a policy in place, that requires any student who brings a phone to school MUST hand it into the office before school and collect it after school. This is to ensure the safety, privacy and wellbeing of all and follows government policy regarding mobile phones at school.
Any parent that requires their child to bring a phone to school must complete the attached form (which both parents must sign) and ensure that their child understands the process.
Our BPC (Bernie’s Parent Collective) is an important and vital group in our school. They facilitate and organise the many social, and fundraising events for our students and families and we need your support.
The great thing about our BPC model is that your support can work around the many commitments that you and your family have. It is based on the premise ‘that many hands make light work’. You can be a part of the team that oversee the BPC and or you can sign up to coordinate or help at a particular event. We meet at 9:00am on the fourth Friday of each term, the first meeting is on Friday 21st February. More information is included on the BPC page of this newsletter, so please read it and consider coming along to our first meeting to hear all about our 2025 plans. We’d love to see you.
School Fees & Levies
The School Fee accounts are being sent home during the week. Please find attached the 2025 Fee and Levy Policy.
If you have an outstanding balance from last year we ask that you call the office to make an appointment to meet with me to discuss a payment plan.
Camps, Sports and Excursions Funds (CSEF)
The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) system is open for schools to enter applications from 28 January 2025. Parents/carers wishing to apply for CSEF payments for 2025 must submit their application form to the relevant school before 4 July 2025.
If you have applied for (CSEF) in 2024, you will not need to apply unless there has been a change in your family circumstances. Parents must hold a valid healthcare card or pension card. If you require further information please contact the office.
Classroom Cuisine - Canteen service
Classroom Cuisine is our lunch order provider and the service is operating again this year. Lunch orders are available on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Orders are placed on line by 8.30am and are delivered to the school.
Following is a link to the website and a sample menu.
Attached is our 2025 Calendar, which includes camps and important events. Please check all dates however these are some important dates in the coming weeks.
Friday 7th February - Welcome Breakfast, Beginning of the School Year Mass and Assembly
Monday 10th February - PL day for staff no school for students, OSHC will be available on this day. Bookings are essential.
Joanne Doherty