Number & Algebra I Measurement & Geometry I Statistics & Probability
Number & Algebra I Measurement & Geometry I Statistics & Probability
The number focus for the first part of the term will focus on place value and additive thinking (addition and subtraction) then we will move into multiplicative thinking (multiplication and division). Each term, the students will build upon these concepts will regular exposure to the four processes and related problem-solving strategies. For place value, the students will learn to read and write larger numbers. They will manipulate numbers using models and will use expanded notation and partitioning. As the students begin to work with larger numbers, they will learn how to estimate and round to check if their calculations for solving a problem is reasonable.
For Measurement and Geometry, we will review time concepts such as reading and converting time between analogue and digital clocks. The students will be introduced to the concept of angles by observing the placement of the clock hands e.g. Five past Two on an analogue clock looks like an acute angle.
The focus for Statistics and Probability is data collection and displays. The students will review strategies for collecting data and will review familiar graphs such as a column graphs and learn how to represent data on alternate types of graphs.