Term Dates
Full newsletter next week
Term Dates
Full newsletter next week
3rd till 7th February - Dental Van onsite
5th February - Prep Assessment Day (no school for Prep students)
10th February - Buddies (whole school) commences
11th February - School Council Meeting 6.30pm
12th February - Prep Assessment Day (no school for Prep students)
13th February - Year 3 to 6 House Swimming Sports
19th February - Prep Assessment Day (no school for Prep students)
21st February - District Swimming
26th February - No school for Preps
5th March - No school for Preps
6th March - School Photos
10th March - Labour Day Weekend - no school
11th March - Curriculum Day - no school for students
11th March - School Council AGM
12th March - House Athletics (TBC)
12th to 24th March - Y3 and Y5 NAPLAN
24th to 26th March - 1/2A Parent/Teacher Interviews
26th March - District Athletics
31st March to 2nd April - Parent/Teacher Interviews
4th April - Last Day of Term 2.30pm Finish
11th March (Term 1)
10th June (Term 2)
20th June (Term 2 ) TBC
(Term 3) Dates still to be determined
5th December (Term 4)
(Term 4) Date still to be determined
Year 2 Sleep In - TBC
3/4 Ballarat Experience Camp 15th to 17th October
5/6 Lorne Camp - 12th to 14th November
Prep/1 Swim and Gym program (Term 3)
Year 2 - 6 Swimming Program (Term 4)
Can all parents please reframe from driving into and dropping off students in the bus circle at the front of the school. Our drop off and car parking areas are the parking bay at the footy oval and the school car park (enter on Park Road). Parents are also welcome to drop off at the kinder and students can walk up the back path.
This request is for the safety of all our families.
If you have family member you think would enjoy receiving our fortnightly newsletter, please share the following link.
Our first full newsletter will be sent out next week.