Scotsburn News 

Term 1 Important Dates

Prep Rest Days

Wednesday 12 February

Wednesday 19 February

Wednesday 26 February

Scotsburn Assemblies (3pm in the Shed)

Friday 21 February

Friday 28 March

Meet and Greet 

Monday 17 February

Wednesday 19 February

Whole School Assemblies @ Buninyong (9am)

Friday 28 February

Friday 4 April

Interhouse Athletics (Grades 3-6)Wednesday 5 March
SC1 Teddy Bear Picnic @ ScotsburnFriday 7 March
Labor Day Public HolidayMonday 10 March
NAPLAN (Grade 3 and 5)Wednesday 11 March - Friday 14 March
Grade 6 F1 Grand Prix ExcursionFriday 14 March
FeteFriday 21 March
Grade 3 CampMonday 24 March - Tuesday 25 March
Grade 4 CampTuesday 25 March - Wednesday 26 March
District AthleticsWednesday 26 March
Interhouse Cross CountryTuesday 1 April
Last Day of Term 1 (2.30pm finish)Friday 4 April

Scotsburn News

Scotsburn Bunjil Award Winners

Congratulations to the following Bunjil Award winners from last week’s Scotsburn assembly. What a great start to the year you have all made!







Will S


Lunchtime Club

It is great to see Lunchtime Club up and running each and every day, as a calm and fun break time option for our students. We love to see the shed so busy!

Family Groups - starting this week!

This Friday afternoon we will begin our Family Groups program. This program is an integral feature of the Scotsburn Campus, providing students with the opportunity to participate in activities with their friends across all year levels. This helps promote pastoral care and wonderful mentoring skills. The program also has a major focus on sustainable practices around the campus, with the cooking program often using our own produce from the chickens and veggie patch.


Please see below for our Term 1 groups and the weeks that we are running the program. It is a good idea to bring a small container on the weeks that your child is cooking, as they may be able to bring home something yummy!

Scotsburn Buddy Program 2025

Last week at our Scotsburn Assembly, we introduced our Scotsburn Buddies for 2025. This will be a really important feature of a successful transition for our new preps and Grade 1 students, as well as provide a wonderful opportunity for our Grade 6 students to further develop their mentoring and leadership skills. . We will organise some buddy activities over the next few weeks to help get the program started successfully. Please see our 2025 buddies below:

Grade 6

Prep/Grade 1







Will S






Meet and GreetMonday 17th February and Wednesday 19th February

This year with welcoming both some new staff and new families to the campus, we thought that it may be a good opportunity to return to our more familiar individual Meet and Greet arrangements, with individual time slots to book with your child's teacher/teachers.


Bookings for Meet and Greet interviews with your child's classroom and specialist teachers are now open in Compass for Monday, February 17th from 4-6 pm and Wednesday, February 19th from 1:30-5pm (students finish at the earlier time of 1 pm this day). Bookings will close on Friday, February 14th at midday.


These are important meetings to help teachers better understand your child and for you to gain an understanding about the routines and rituals that will be implemented as part of your child's learning this year.


The goals for the Meet and Greet sessions are:

  •  For teachers and parents to meet
  •  So teachers have time to explain routines and what to expect as part of the learning in 2025
  •  For parents to ask questions
  •  For teachers to get to know more about the student

There are 10 minutes allocated to each meeting. If your chat requires a longer period of time, please feel free to organise another meeting on an alternative day.


The school FETE will be here before we know it, with it being held on Friday the 21st of March. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be finalising what stalls we will be running, as well as getting some planning underway. We will then be looking for parent helpers to assist with organisation and running of the stalls. It will most definitely be all hands on deck when we get to the day of the Fete! More information to come next week

Local Excursion Consent

Annual local excursion permission is now required from all families. A Compass event has been created and sent to families. Local excursions are excursions to locations within walking distance of the school and do not involve ‘Adventure Activities’. Please note that while we do not need to seek further consent from parents before local excursions take place, we are required to provide advance notice to parents/carers of upcoming local excursions through Compass. For local excursions that occur on a recurring basis, we can notify parents/carers once only prior to the commencement of the recurring event. Many of these local excursions will occur across the year when we are joining students down at the Buninyong campus.

SC1 Learning Snapshot 

In SC1 we have had a fantastic start to the year, beginning with our Learning to Learn program. This week, we have settled into our English, Maths, and Integrated Studies routines, and students have embraced their learning with enthusiasm.


In English, we have launched our daily spelling program at 9am. Our spelling groups are structured across the campus to ensure each student receives support at their point of need. The students are already enjoying the consistency and challenge of these lessons, and we look forward to seeing their spelling skills grow.


In Maths, our major focus for the next two weeks is data. Students will learn to record information using tally marks, collect and report data and create and interpret graphs. Alongside this, we will continue revising key mathematical concepts daily to reinforce and strengthen their understanding.


A big thank you for your support in starting our home reading program. If you have any questions about home reading or homework, please don’t hesitate to reach out. 

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

Best regards,


Chelsea and Beth

SC2 Learning Snapshot

After our first full week in the classroom, SC2 have really found their feet as a collaborative team. It has been incredible to see everyone approach the Learning to Learn period with such enthusiasm, having a major focus on our school values and promoting each other as confident learners. This week as we settle into our regular classroom routines, we will be able to put some of this work into action!


In Maths we have started off looking at a data collection and creating dot plot charts, as well as beginning our daily review work. This will provide students with a wonderful opportunity to have regular targeted practice of their number knowledge and skills. In English we have begun looking at narrative writing, incorporating the text study of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The class is very excited about this!


It has also been great to already see some homework come in. We want to start the year positively with our organisation and this is an awesome start. There are a few students still to receive reader diaries - they will be handed out later in the week. 

Have another awesome week.


Jarrod and Liz

Scotsburn Intercampus Travel

At times, Scotsburn students will be transported between campuses in order to attend classes, assemblies, special days and events. On most occasions, transport required through the day will be by bus and occasionally private car for smaller groups of students. Parents may be asked to drop off or collect from the Buninyong campus if sessions are at the beginning or ending of a day.

We will always let you know of any upcoming travel arrangements via our newsletter, Compass, or via phone for smaller, more specific travel arrangements. 

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding intercampus travel, please contact your child’s teacher.

Staff Contacts

Mr Morgan:

Mrs Murphy:

Ms Connor:

Mrs Morgan:

Ms Middlin:


The Scotsburn Team