Mini Vinnies News

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


2023 has been the pilot year for Mini Vinnies at Holy Family and what a pilot year we have had. The year 4 students have really taken to social justice and the idea of supporting people who are less fortunate than us in our local community. Mini Vinnies has opened many student’s eyes to what causes someone to be vulnerable or less fortunate. The students delved into the concept of homelessness and learnt that there are many ways someone can be classified as homeless, it doesn’t just involve them sleeping rough or on park benches. It has also been heartwarming to hear some of the year 3 students expressing their excitement for the program and saying they can’t wait until they’re in year 4 to be a part of Mini Vinnies..


Last Friday, 1st December, the Mini Vinnies students held their Family Movie Night. The year 4 students, along with some last minute help from the year 3 students, creatively constructed carnival games to boost the amount of money we raised. A huge thank you to all the families that attended this event and supported the students and the cause. It was wonderful seeing so many smiling faces and our school community coming together and reflecting on this year. A huge thank you to the staff and parents who helped make the Family Movie Night such a success. Thank you to Verity Curtain, Amanda Mase, Julie David, Eithne King, Bev Gilbert, Susan Michelsson, Vicky Pejic and Juliette Foenander for your support, time and dedication to the Mini Vinnies cause. Another huge thank you to Lauren Wilson, Amelia Younane, Robyn Compton, Gloria, Jaclyn Wong and Rosa Higgins for their amazing help and dedication.

The treasurers came together after the event and counted all the money. They did a great job getting through all the coins. In total we raised $1,635.30 for St. Vincent de Paul. This money will be handed over to a member of the Mt. Waverley St. Vincent conference before the end of the school year.


Christmas Donations Appeal

Our final action for 2023 is the St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Donations Drive. These donations will be used to support people within our local community who require food and other necessities at this time of year. All donations will be placed under our beautiful Christmas tree in the office foyer. Please see below for items that are needed:

  • Personal items (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, handwash in pump bottles, hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes)
  • Tinned food (ham, corned beef, salmon, tuna, potatoes, carrots, beans, fruit, soups)
  • Pantry Fillers (cereals, coffee, tea, milo, hot chocolate, jam, honey, vegemite, nutella, peanut butter, rice, pasta, noodles)
  • Drinks (long life milk, juice, soft drink)
  • Christmas Joy (Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, Christmas shortbread, Christmas bon-bons, lollies, chocolates)


Donations will be collected by our parish on Wednesday 13th December.