Mathematics News

What an amazing year Holy Family has had in the area of Maths Education. 


A significant focus for teachers this year was the continuation of bringing research and evidence based practice into the classroom. 


Teachers have embedded problem solving across the curriculum with the Launch, Explore, Summarise model challenging our students to use reasoning and problem solving strategies to deepen and extend their understanding of concepts. 


We had the opportunity to liaise with experts in the field on a regular basis through a partnership with Eastern Region Mathematics learning consultants. 


Teachers curated and used targeted assessments throughout the year, giving access to accurate and timely data to drive the planning. A plethora of resources were used to develop challenging and engaging learning for our students. 


Our evidence based Mathematics intervention program for students was introduced “EMU” - Extending Mathematics Understanding. We look forward to expanding this program next year. 


Our teachers were ongoing learners through the year through Peer observations and feedback was used among teachers in striving for continual learning and strength in practice. 


We explored the concept of Cognitive Load Theory and Explicit instruction as a high impact teaching strategy and catalyst for highly successful learners. 


Our teachers are looking forward to working more in this space in 2024.