From Mrs David's Desk


Friday 15th December at 3:15pm


Dear Families,


This will be our final newsletter for 2023.


On behalf of our staff I would like to thank each of you for your support this year. I am pleased to say that after reading the Semester Two reports for each student it is clear that our students flourish when their parents/carers are involved in their learning.


Thank you for your feedback in our recent 'communication' survey. I have shared this data with our staff Leadership Team and we will enact some of your suggestions in 2024.


I would like to thank Father Justel for his support over this year and our school looks forward to continuing to strengthen our connection with the Parish.


Our School Advisory Council and Parents and Friends Committee have provided support, guidance and expertise to ensure our school continues to improve educationally and financially. These parent bodies continue to be key drivers in our community and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in 2024.


Student Wellbeing appears to have been enhanced by the introduction of our Wellbeing Dog (Lola). Lola attends school twice a week and engages with the students on the playground and in class. It is wonderful to see some of the students who were not quite sure of Lola now coming up to give her a pat.


Finally, to our incredibly hard working staff a BIG thank you. During the year we have enhanced our Literacy Program by incorporating a 'Structured Literacy Approach' and our Mathematics Program has been supported by Julie White who has taken small groups of Senior students on a weekly basis to provide extension work.


We continue to offer Intervention Programs in Literacy and Maths.


MultiLit is offered to students in Years 1-6 and Extending Mathematical Understanding (EMU) to students in the Junior school. These Intervention programs have been effective because the students are having 3-4 sessions a week.


We are saying goodbye to our Year 6 students and some of their families next week. I look forward to speaking to this group of inspirational students at their Graduation Evening on Monday 11th December at Avila College.


I would like to express a HUGE thank you to our Year 6 2023 Student Leaders for their support this year especially Jack, Poppy, George and Keira.


I wish these leaders and the other Year 6 students all the best and hope they enjoy their secondary school journey. Thank you for being a part of our Holy Family Community!


2024 School Captains/Vice Captains

Our 2024 School Captains and Vice Captains were announced this week. 


It was a pleasure to listen to many of our current year 5 and new Year 5 (St mary Magdalen's) students as they presented their speeches to vy for these roles. Each student clearly articulated why s/he would be perfect for the Leadership Role. It is never easy to stand up and speak in front of your peers. I congratulated each one of the students and acknowledged the preparation that had gone into preparing and presenting their speeches.


Congratulations to our 2024 School Captains and Vice Captains -

  • School Captains - Luca Salinitri and Cecilia Younane
  • School Vice Captains - Spencer McCarthy and Nadia Trettel

I am sure each of these young people will be amazing ambassadors for our school in 2024!


Staff Leaving

At the end of a school year we also say thank you and goodbye to some of our current staff members.


Mrs Samantha Johnstone is leaving Holy Family and taking up a teaching position at St Catherine's in Berwick. This school is only a few minutes away from her home. It can take her over an hour to get to Holy Family each day. I wish Sam all the best at her new school and I know she will be missed by many of us.


Three of our Learning Support Officers have now finished their degrees and will be leaving Holy Family to take up their new positions in 2024.


Zoe Marks has completed her teaching degree and is taking up a teaching position at Rowville Secondary College.


Sophie Fraser has also completed her teaching degree and will take up a teaching position at Ruyton Grammar.


Lucy David has completed her Occupational Therapy degree and is taking up a position as a Hand Therapist with Action Rehab.


On behalf of our school community I wish these staff members all the best as they embark on their careers.


New Staff

In 2024 we welcome two new classroom teachers to Holy Family. 

  • Sinéad McCutcheon will be teaching Year 1/2 and is joining us from Ireland. She has taught at Holywell Education Together National School, St. Oliver Plunkett’s National School and Rush and Lusk Educate Together National School.
  • Olivia Frisch will also be teaching Year 1/2 and she is joining us from St Simon's, Rowville.

These teachers have already spent a day planning in their 2024 team and will be back on Monday 18th December to continue preparing for next year.


2024 Classes

Our classes for next year are in the final stages of being set. We have had nearly 200 requests from parents, teachers and students to accommodate. This task is never easy but we have worked on it for the last three weeks and believe that each student is in the class that will support him/her in 2024.


2024 Class Teachers

Prep - Di Dimovski

Prep - Stephanie Italiano

Year 1/2 - Chantelle Santamaria (4 days), Beverly Gilbert (1 day)

Year 1/2 - Sinéad McCutcheon

Year 1/2 - Olivia Frisch

Year 3/4 - Verity Curtain

Year 3/4 - Bec Lark

Year 3/4 - Amanda Mace

Year 5/6 - Juliette Foenander

Year 5/6 - Vicky Pejic

Year 5/6 - Michelle Luong

Year 5/6 - Andrea Smith


Library - Janine Standfield

Auslan - Dianne Herrmann

Physical Education - Susan Michelsson

Performing Arts - Rebecca Rawlins

STEM - Katrina Davis


Position of Leadership Release - Barbara Grabau


Literacy - Natalie Dib (Natalie will be released to support all teachers to ensure that structured literacy is implemented across the school)


Mathematics/Learning and Teaching/Digital Technologies - Jennifer Young (Jennifer is released to support teachers in their classrooms and during planning. She will also to continue with Mathematics Intervention)


MultiLit (Reading Intervention) - Simone Tapley and Mellisa O'Mara


Deputy Principal/Transition Leader/Camp Coordinator - Eithne King


End of Year Mass/Thank You Moring Tea

We are celebrating Mass as a school community on Wednesday 13th December at 9:15am to celebrate our achievements in 2023, say goodbye to our Year 6 students and commission our 2024 School Captains and Vice Captains.


After Mass parents are invited to come and join us for a 'Thank You' morning tea in our Gathering Space.

2023 Final School Assembly

On Friday 15th December we will gather as a school community one last time in the Hall at 2pm for our Final Assembly.


During this assembly we will say goodbye to staff and students who are leaving our school. At the conclusion of the assembly staff and students in Years Prep to year 6 will form a 'Guard of Honour' for our leaving staff and students to walk through.


Current Holy Family families and siblings are invited to join us for this special occasion.


Christmas Eve Mass

Father Justel would love some of our students to act out the Gospel during the 5pm Christmas Eve Mass. Thank you to those families that have already volunteered but we still need a few more children.

Please email me if you would like to support this initiative.


Christmas Carols

Our staff are looking forward to joining everyone for our Christmas Carols and BBQ tonight. The evening will begin at 5pm and should conclude around 7pm. Please come dressed in your christmas colours.


Mini Vinnies

Our Year 4 Mini Vinnies students held a very successful Family Movie Night last Friday. I would like to thank Miss Lark and the other staff members who stayed to support this evening. 


It is important to keep in mind that with the new Enterprise Bargaining Agreement for teachers they are not required to attend after school functions.


Thank you also to our parents who helped on the night.


The funds raised will go towards supporting families in our Mt Waverley community.


Holy Family School Christmas Appeal

Every year our school supports the Holy Family Parish St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal by donating goods for families in need over the Christmas break.

It would be fabulous if each family could donate a couple of items. Please place these items under the Christmas Tree in our foyer. Thank you for your support.


This list is below -

  • Personal items (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, handwash in pump bottles, hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes)
  • Tinned food (ham, corned beef, salmon, tuna, potatoes, carrots, beans, fruit, soups)
  • Pantry Fillers (Cereals, coffee, tea, milo, hot chocolate, jam, honey, vegemite, nutella, peanut butter, rice, pasta, noodles)
  • Drinks (long life milk, juice, soft drink)
  • Christmas Joy (Christmas cakes, Christmas puddings, Christmas shortbread, Christmas Bon-Bons, lollies, chocolates)

The donations will be collected on the morning of Wednesday 13th December.


2024 Directions

We have an exciting time ahead in 2024!


Some of the things our staff and students will be involved in are -

  • We welcome 41 Prep students and 30 students from other schools
  • Our staff will begin to implement strategies from the Engaged Classrooms Through Effective Classroom Management Project created by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO). This program will support students to continue to feel 'safe' in their learning environments. 
  • Our staff will be supported to use 'Explicit Direct Instruction'
  • Our 'Structured Literacy' Approach will continue
  • The PhOrMes approach will be implemented in Years 5 and 6 to continue to improve spelling, vocabulary, reading and writing
  • Our Prep to Year 2 teachers will be involved in 'Teaching for Impact' Professional Learning to enhance their teaching of Mathematics. The Teaching for Impact in Mathematics (TIM) Series provides professional learning support and resources to teachers and leaders to get the most from the new Ochre Education materials for   F-2.  Working from a robust research and evidence base, the TIM Series supports teachers and leaders to build more high-impact instruction into their classrooms and schools, to accelerate learning for all students.
  • We will continue our partnership with Inform and Empower, eSmart and the Victoria police Monash youth Resource Officer to support our students in the Digital World.
  • The 'Wellbeing Hour' for the entire school will continue based on the Resilience Project and Respectful Relationships Programs
  • The SeeSaw App will be introduced from Prep through to Year 6 so families can keep up to date with student achievements
  • Curriculum Evenings will be held each term on different topics (Maths, English, STEM, Religious Education)
  • Friday morning coffee and catch up will continue 

Term 4 2023 Events


Thursday 7th - Holy Family Community Christmas Carols and BBQ (Quadrangle) BYO Picnic rug  (5-7pm)

Monday 11th - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony (Avila College) 7- 8pm

Tuesday 12th - Year 6 Big Day Out

Wednesday 13th - End of Year Mass (9:15am)

Wednesday 13th - Parent 'Thank You Morning Tea' (after Mass)

Wednesday 13th - Year 6 Celebration Afternoon

Friday 15th - Final 2023 Assembly (2pm) Hall (current families only)

Friday 15th - School finishes at 3:15pm

Monday 18th - Staff Planning Day

Tuesday 19th - Staff Planning Day

Wednesday 20th - Staff Time In Lieu Day


2024 School Year

Term 1


Monday 29th - Staff Return

Tuesday 30th - Student Testing (appointments will be made)

Wednesday 31st - Student Testing (appointments will be made)



Thursday 1st - All students commence

Sunday 4th - Prep 2024 Playdate

Friday 9th - Parent Welcome Event (everyone welcome) Adults only

Friday 23rd - Athletics Trial Day

Thursday 29th - Prep and New Families Dinner 



Friday 8th - School Closure Day (Staff PL Lorraine Hammond 'Science of Learning')

Monday 11th - Labor Day 

Friday 15th - Holy Family School Colour Run

Thursday 28th - Holy Thursday (final day of Term 1) Students finish at 1pm


I wish everyone a Holy and safe Christmas time and a relaxing holiday and look forward to seeing everyone in 2024.


Julie David (Principal)