Around the classrooms

Science Geology Incursion
For the last three years we have been very fortunate to have a guest Geologist come and speak to the Year 8 students about our topic of 'Rocks'. Our guest presenter, Shawn Panton, has been a geologist for over 27 years and is currently the Manager of Kaiser Mining. He has worked in 9 countries being involved in either exploration, project generation, or mining for commodities such gold, copper, nickel, rare earth minerals and coal. Shawn discussed content from our curriculum and demonstrated its relevance in gold mining and other practical aspects, as well as discussing varied career opportunities in Geology. Many students were lucky enough to walk away with some (fool’s) gold of their own.
Ms Mel Erwin (Science Teacher)
On Friday 17 November the Year 8 Enhancement classes attended a science incursion with a guest presenter named Shawn. We got taught about what he does down in the mines, and his job in gold mining. He also had lots of giveaways to do with geology. We learnt about the formation of different types of rocks and the sizes, colours and shapes they can come in. He also talked about the possible experiences and careers that being a Geologist can introduce. Overall it was a great experience and would recommend attending if you have the option.
Verity and Rose 8B