Student Leadership & Community

Wednesday environmental crew
Each week MGSC is priviledge to have participants from Good Choice Disability Services assist with facilities maintenance by managing our rubbish and recycling. MGSC students are also part of the program giving feedback and support.
The community group
The Wednesday recycling group, now in its 16th year at MGSC has become an important part of the school community. Each Wednesday, our four participants undertake small but personally meaningful roles which make a difference to the everyday operation of the school. This includes tasks such as topping up photocopiers, library work, shredding, and of course undertaking the paper recycle collection, in which every classroom and office is visited throughout the day.
Next year, we invite once again a few Year 10s to give up some of their Wednesday lunch break to come and help the team, and in the process learning a little about intellectual disabilities, gain some leadership skills, and build self confidence.
Thank you once again to the community for making us so welcome this year, and we look forward to making a difference in 2024.
Say hello when you see us move through the school- no question is too dumb!
Christian Mitchell (and MGSC parent) and Ken Randell - mentors
Saxon, James, Damien and Jack - participants
The students
Throughout the year, I've had the honour of observing Saxon, Damien, James and Jack from the Good Choice Disability Services, every Wednesday at lunchtime. By being there and helping out with their tasks it makes it easier for them to get potential work experience in the future.
Not only has it benefited them, I too have gained some valuable lessons and skills - the main ones being leadership and empathy. This opportunity has helped a lot with my confidence too.
Christian and Ken (Directors) have been great mentors and were extremely helpful throughout. I really hope you would consider joining this wonderful team in 2024!
Sienna Boler (2023 Year 10)
Picnic on the Oval
The Picnic on the Oval, held during Headstart, saw our 2024 student leaders taking on their first event to build community and engage students. Fine weather, entertaining music and a very competitive egg and spoon race contributed to a great atmosphere