Parents & Friends' Association

2023 is drawing to a close and the PFA are ready for a break along with everyone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of the PFA during the year. This may have been through volunteering for an event or in the uniform shop, donating goods or even attending one of our events, whether it was the trivia night or buying a sausage at the referendum sausage sizzle. Through your support whether directly or indirectly, the school and the students benefit and that means we are doing the job right. I hope to see more new faces join the PFA community in 2024 so that we can build on what we have.
On behalf of the PFA, I wish all MGSC Families a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
Sharon Wright
PFA President
Second-hand Uniform Shop
The PFA uniform shop is holding a sale in conjunction with the Year 7 Orientation Day.
When: Tuesday 12 December from 2pm to 4pm
Where: Relocated to a larger space for the special sale day
All families are welcome. EFTPOS facilities available.
The shop is low in sport shorts, polo tops, rugby tops and tailored shorts and pants. Donation or items for sale on consignment are welcome.
The last day of trade for 2024 is Friday 15 December from 8:15 to 9:15am. It reopens on Tuesday 30 January 2024 from 2:45 to 3:45pm.
With the year fast coming to a close, the main focus for the PFA for the remainder of the
year is the Second Hand Uniform Shop and the Second Hand Books Facebook Page.
Sharon Wright
PFA President