Year 5/6 Team

Senior School Update
The Senior School has started Term 4 with a bang! Our students have been working on their Business & Economics Projects where they selected, developed, and marketed a product at our Spring Carnival. The day was an outstanding success, and we couldn't be prouder of our students and their achievements. It was fantastic to see them apply their knowledge and take on the challenges of entrepreneurship with such responsibility.
To wrap up our Business & Economics unit, students have worked in teams to engage in lively debates, with one side arguing for the merits of supporting local businesses, while the other championed the convenience and variety of online shopping. Through these debates, students learned the importance of empathy and understanding different perspectives. They realised that there are valid reasons for choosing either local or online shopping, and that what's best may vary from person to person and situation to situation. They presented their arguments with confidence and were supportive of all speakers. In Literacy, we have also been exploring Geography concepts in connection with the novel Storm Boy. Students have been investigating the geographical diversity of different locations in Australia and discussing the connections between people and places. We look forward to continuing with our Geography focus for the remainder of the year.
In Numeracy, students have explored the concepts of angles and decimal fractions, and are currently delving into using estimation and rounding as tools to support our understanding of the four operations. Students have had a great time learning to use protractors and creating financial plans to support them during our Market Day stall at the Spring Carnival. They are enjoying the challenge of using multiplication and division.
Our Senior Challenge is still underway as all classes continually use communication and teamwork to complete wild and wacky team challenges as a team. As we move closer to the end of the year we are starting to turn our attention to our Year 6 graduation, with all our Year 6 students enjoying and reflecting on their final term in primary school. They recently had a visit from Cardinia Youth Services for a session focused on self-esteem, resilience and peer pressure, coping strategies and problem-solving and awareness of services and opportunities in the community for young people
Our current Year 5s also have a busy end to the year as we begin to explore leadership roles of the senior school for 2024.