Leadership Report

As we draw closer to the end of the school year (it is hard to believe we are in the middle of November already), we are in full swing preparing to celebrate our Year 6 students' primary school time lives. This will be through a range of ways, with the first and formal graduation ceremony taking place here at the school on Monday 11th December. These details have now been sent home to families through Compass. As part of our tradition, all graduating students will also have their name added to our Honour Board in the school gym. This is also being organised behind the scenes. Our Year 6 students will also have a day of fun and celebration with their teachers on Monday 18th December at Gumbuya World. The consent and costing has now gone home to families also through Compass.
With the full support of School Council, we have decided to install and use a closed-circuit television (CCTV) system at our school.
Our school has an obligation to ensure the school environment is safe and secure, and fulfil our duty of care to students, staff and visitors. The CCTV system will assist our school to fulfil these obligations and to prevent and manage other inappropriate behaviour on school grounds. CCTV will also provide enhanced capability to protect our school’s assets against vandalism and theft.
We will follow Department of Education and Training policy requirements for the design, installation, management and use of the CCTV systems. This policy is available at: CCTV in Schools – Installation and Management.
We will also place our school's CCTV Privacy Notice on our school website with more information about our school’s use of CCTV before it is rolled out on later this term.
A huge thank you to all families who are ensuring their child is attending school with a clearly named school hat each day. This is a compulsory uniform item and is imperative for the safety of all students when playing during their breaks and when playing sport outside. Whilst we understand there might be times where a child loses their hat and may need to use another hat, this can only be for a short-term (a few days) before they purchase a school hat.
We appreciate everyone's support on this matter.
As you are aware, when our students demonstrate our values at school, they can earn Spark Bucks to purchase prizes at the Spark Buck Shop, which is open every Monday during lunchtime. In Semester 2, we have expanded the range of prizes in the shop to include whole class rewards. Each class has the opportunity to earn 10 collective bucks per session if all students support each other in demonstrating our values. Some of these whole-class rewards include class free dress days, hot chip lunches, and cooking classes. Check out some of our wonderful OPPS students enjoying their class rewards!
On Tuesday, November 14th, 8 of our year 6 girls attended the Senior Regional Cricket at Masden Reserve in Mount Eliza. The girls gave their all and made us very proud at OPPS while competing against some other very talented cricketers in Victoria.