Chatham Happenings

Year 3 - 4 Camp
First, we arrived at Arrabri Lodge in Warburton and everyone was excited. We met Sean on the bus and Luke was at the meeting area. He told us all the rules and showed us around. Then we did two activities, one was a ropes course and one was the flying fox (we did this in groups). Then we had lunch and another two activities, which were the giant swing and mini golf. After that, we had showers and then free time. We had dinner, which was schnitzel, it was so good. Then we learnt some bush dancing and after that, we hiked to the campfire. At 10:00pm the boys were having a ding-dong ditching war! It was annoying because we were trying to get some sleep.
The next day we had breakfast and two activities, archery and orienteering. We had a snack and then the last activity, which was damper making. After that we had lunch. Next, we went gold panning and then practised for the talent show and had a shower. We then had dinner and the talent show. There were some pretty weird acts.
The next day we packed up camp and had breakfast. Then we went to the reptile show (there were some amazing animals there). Then we had lunch at Lilydale Lake Park and we arrived at school at 3:20pm.
By Gabi 3SN
The Story of Camp
First, Year 3 and 4 got ready to go on the bus. Gracie’s bus partner was Vanessa and my bus partner was Hatty. When we hopped on the big and crowded bus, we travelled a long hour and thirty minutes. When we stopped at Arrabri Lodge all the students (including me) were told where their cabins were and who they were with. I was with Gracie, Vanessa and Lucinda. We went to our groups and did some activities like archery and flying fox, and stuff like that. My favourite was the giant swing; it was so high and fun!
After all of the activities we heard a loud bell ring and I ran to the meeting place for a delicious afternoon tea. The food options were cake, oranges, apples and bananas. After that, we did one more fun activity. Then we had showers, the line was super long! Finally, we had dinner. It was a great dinner. We had cooked veggies, chicken schnitzel and potatoes, yum.
After dinner we were taught to sing and dance. The type of dancing was bush dancing. It was really fun. We learnt two songs, one called ‘Wako Bluey’ and the other one was ‘Have you ever done a thing like that? Clap Clap'.
Then we went on a scavenger hunt and roasted marshmallows. We went straight to sleep but people were ding-dong ditching us so much!
Finally, we woke up at 6:00am, I was so tired. Then I got ready for the big day ahead of me. I put on my big girl clothes. Year 3 and 4 and of course the gorgeous teachers ate breakfast which was, a drum roll please…. toast, cereal, orange juice and hashbrowns.
Then we did some more activities. I did archery and mini golf. It was really fun. After we had some morning tea, which was bananas, oranges, apples and chocolate crackles. It was YUM. We did one more activity, orienteering. For lunch we made burgers and trotted outside to eat and chat. After our delicious lunch, we went on a walk to the river to pan for gold. A lot of people found gold and so did I. We had showers and got ready for the talent show. We had dinner, which was lasagna and veggies and chips. We then did the talent show, it was so fun and cool. Then it was bedtime. I was so tired.
In the morning, we had our breakfast and packed up to go. We went on the bus to the reptile show. It was so interesting and we got to pat adorable animals. Then we kept driving. We stopped at a park to go and play and have lunch, which was delicious rolls. After that we drove to school and we waited for our parents to come. YAY!
By Gracie and Sadie 3SN
The Chatham Art Studio