Specialist Happenings

Your go to place for all the news from your most special of specialists.

Physical Education:

Our junior school students have been enjoying working on elements that will be included in our upcoming ninja warrior course. These include jumping, balancing, bunny hops and running. Our middle school students have been using their attacking and defensive strategies in a European handball round robin to highlight the transferable skills they have been learning. The senior school have been working on their coaching skills, with students identifying skills within various invasion games, teaching this skill to their peers and creating an activity where their team can practice this skill. Students then play other teams in small sided games. The next two weeks will see students further develop their skills and participate in games that consolidate their learning throughout the term.


Visual Art:

Christmas is in the air in the art room! 


The students have been busy creating wrapping paper, Christmas cards and Christmas decorations across the year levels. We have used stencils, stamps, freehand drawing, scratch art and painting to create an array of Christmas decor. There have been some wonderfully creative and innovative ideas when it comes to how to have a sustainable Christmas and use available materials to develop artwork for Christmas. This included the Foundation and year one students creating a sustainable collage Santa or Christmas tree using scrap paper and other collected materials. 

As we value inclusivity in the art room, some students who don’t celebrate Christmas have been participating in alternative activities dependent on religious or cultural beliefs to celebrate the holiday season.

Jack R 4B
Jack R 4B
Lucas P 4B
Lucas P 4B
Evie 4B
Evie 4B







Scratch-art Christmas cards Year 4


Our fabulous year 6 are nearing graduation and the excitement is building. They have been enjoying relaxing with the activities on offer and it is obvious to see that their abilities in art have developed in leaps and bounds throughout the year. We wish them every success as they continue their art journey into secondary school.


Everyone has been having a fantastic time celebrating the end of a fantastic and creative year!


Love art and embrace the creative!

Ms. Hemmings

Performing Arts:

We've been counting down to our Christmas Carols evening this week, with the beginning of each lesson being dedicated to learning our whole-school carol, the classic 'Jingle Bells'. While almost everyone from Foundation to level 6 knew the words to the chorus, familiarity with the first verse varied wildly from student to student. The other thing that came as a huge surprise to many, is that this is not a song about Santa, and the jingle bells in question are not there for festive cheer but are rather a safety feature warning pedestrians about the approach of an otherwise silent sleigh (the more you know). We'd love it if the audience too could join in this holiday favourite, so here is the version we will be performing if any of our grown-ups need a quick refresher:


Mr Scherpenhuizen


Level 3&4 students have been learning about different sports. They have created sentences by combining these sports with the word "and" in Mandarin.



Level 5 students have been working on their travel plan for the past couple of weeks. This week some of the students have presented their work to the class. While the student was presenting, the others noted down information of the presenter’s travel plan.