Connect: Level 5

Jacqueline Perdriau, Kate Littlehales, Zarah Scott, Jana Hain, Eileen Thompson

A friendly reminder that mobile phones are not permitted to be used by any student, on school grounds. Please do not ask your child to message or call you throughout the school day. Once your child is off-site, they may use their phone. 

Hats are needed each day in Term 4 and Term 1 to keep safe from the sun! 

Week 11 and 12

Important Dates


Week 10: 

Friday 8 December  Curriculum Day (no students at school)


Week 11: 

Monday 11 December SEPS Christmas Carols starting at 5 pm. We time travel back into the 80s and get into the holiday spirit with none other than WHAM!

Tuesday 12 December Meet the Teacher 2024 / Transition session for Levels 1-6 

Wednesday 13 December Year 5 Beach Swimming. We are still looking for some more parent helpers. If you are interested, please let the office or a Level 5 teacher know. 

Friday 15 December Transition session for Levels 1-6 including lunch eating; Parent helpers morning tea 10:40 am in the staffroom.

Week 12:

Tuesday 19 DecemberLevel 5 class party and pizza lunch

Wednesday 20 December End of term 4 1:00 pm Assembly / 1:30 pm Dismissal

What is happening in our classrooms? 


The students are working on procedural texts as they produce recipes for the Level 5 Oz Harvest cookbook, and they have been utilising persuasive skills as they prepare applications for student leadership positions.



We are so impressed with all of the Dream Mini Golf Courses the students made over the last few weeks. Students had the opportunity to create and measure their own angles and their peers'. What a fun way to practise using a protractor! 

 In Weeks 11 and 12, we will be reviewing skills and concepts that we have learned throughout the year and applying them to various games and challenges. We hope that families can enjoy playing some of the games we have loved this year at home over the summer break. Below is a link to one of our favourites...

5 in a Row:  




The Level 5 leadership speeches for 2024 leadership positions at SEPS took place this week, and the atmosphere was nothing short of electric! 

Each student going for a leadership role confidently stepped up to the stage, presenting their visions and goals for the school with remarkable poise and determination.  

A remarkable 29 students out of the cohort of 70 put themselves forward for School/Deputy Captain and Student Council President - a testament to the depth of leadership potential in this amazing group of students.

The audience, including fellow students, Level 5 and 6 teachers, and our principal, Mrs Briffa, responded with enthusiastic applause and feedback, acknowledging the growth and leadership displayed by these Level 5 speakers. 

The success of these speeches not only reflected the students' ability to articulate their ideas but also their commitment to fostering a positive impact within the SEPS community and school as a whole. 

The Level 5 leaders ignited a sense of inspiration and optimism among their peers, setting a powerful tone for positive change within SEPS in 2024. The Level 5 teachers can't wait to see what next year holds! Congratulations to all!

Congratulations to all the Level 5 students on a wonderful year and all of your incredible achievements. The Level 5 teachers are so proud of you all and can't wait to see what your journey at SEPS holds for your next year as you become the schools' student leaders!