Upcoming Events 

At a glance..

Monday 11th December SEPS Carols 5:00-5:45 pm in the Stadium

Tuesday 12th December SEPS Transition levels 1- 6  9:30-10:30 am / 2024 Meet the Teacher

Wednesday 13th Level 6 Graduation Practice

Thursday 14th December Teeth on Wheels 

Friday 15th December  SEPS Transition levels 1-6 11:00 am -1:00 pm / Picnic lunch in new classes

Monday 18th December Teeth on Wheels 

Monday 18th December  Level 6 Graduation Day 

Wednesday 20th December  Last Day of School  Assembly 1:00 pm / Dismissal 1:30 pm


Gingerbread House  - Competition 

The Gingerbread House winner will be drawn at the Assembly on the last day of school.

It was made by Georgie Cooper (parent).