Assistant Principal Update

Shane Wilkie

Hello everyone,


Welcome to Term 4 Week 8. 


The energy across the school is extremely high as the busyness of school ramps up. We have the Arts and Writers Festival this evening. We hope to see you there.

The Year 2 sleepover was a great success last week. The soccer teams performed admirably at their finals on Friday. We are looking forward to the Year 5 Camp and P/1 Twilight Evening next week. The swimming lessons have been going well, and yesterday’s Leadership Speeches were of a very high standard.


While it is exciting to have all these amazing things going on it does mean we need to continually be aware of the impacts this has on students’ wellbeing and that of staff and ourselves. So, this week as we head full steam to the end of the year my goal is to take moments to be grateful and enjoy the experiences that are being afforded to us.  I hope you can also find some moments throughout your week.


Learning Disposition – Optimism

Being optimistic is a behavioural choice. Certainly, it can sometimes be hard, particularly when times are difficult or overwhelming. However, the research is conclusive that one’s ability to have a positive and growth mindset, particularly when faced with challenges, directly impacts one’s likelihood of finding success, enjoyment, or gratitude from experiences. It is this disposition that we want students to grow and develop.

From the sporting psychology perspective and my basketball analogy, there are numerous studies on elite athletes that show the difference between making the winning shot or not, often comes down to the belief that they will make the shot. Michael Jordan apparently never considered the fact that he might miss a game winner. He had an overwhelming optimism that he would make it. And if he did miss, then he automatically knew that the next time he would make it. Complete positivity and optimism in his ability to achieve the desired outcome.

2024 Planning

We are in the final stages of preparing classes for 2024. As we finalise the teachers, student classes and classrooms, staff will begin commencing the important job of planning for next year. 


We will allocate time in the coming weeks for staff to meet, share and discuss student transition data. This will ensure that students learning, and wellbeing needs are shared between their 2023 and 2024 teachers and that year level teams can begin planning differentiated teaching, learning and wellbeing programs to ensure students’ needs are catered to at their individual point of need.

APS Arts and Writers Festival – TONIGHT Wednesday 22 November 3:45-5:45pm

Students' writing and arts will be displayed in classrooms in the Main Administration Building and the Learning Centre. A map of the display locations is included in the festival guide which can be accessed via the QR codes located throughout the Administration Building and the Learning Centre. The Festival Guide is stored as a Google Doc, and you may need a Google Account login to access. 

Scan the QR Code to access the festival guide.


NOTE: You may need to log into your Google Account.

The library will also be open for families to visit.

Following the success of the Science Expo Scavenger Hunt, families can go on a Scavenger Hunt through the Writing and Art Displays. With their scavenger hunt clue sheet, a visit to each year level will find the answer to each of the questions. Families with correctly answered scavenger hunts will go into the draw for some Writing & Art prizes. 

We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.


REMINDER: Yard & Playground Safety

This week we have seen an increase in the number of students in the Main Administration building during recess and lunchtime without permission and unsupervised. A lot of this is due to students going to First Aid, however on most occasions they have not first spoken with the yard duty teacher.  We have communicated this to students, and I will speak about it on assembly this week. Can I ask families to also remind their children that if they require assistance when in the playground the best option is the yard duty teacher. 

Primarily this is about ensuring students are supported safely throughout the school. For younger children, this is about learning the school processes to ensure they can feel safe and secure in the school environment.


Enjoy your week.

Shane Wilkie

Assistant Principal