Principal's Message

From the Desk of Tracey Parsons - Term 4, Week 8

Good morning Parents/Carers


This week teachers at Werris Creek Public School will be looking out for students who make good decisions. Meaning making good decisions both in and outside the classroom is important especially at this point in the year where good behaviour tends to a bit hit and miss with some.


Year 6 Canteen

Year 6 will be selling cupcakes this Wednesday from the canteen.  Cupcakes will be on sale for 50c each and will be sold during third break.


Year 6 Orientation

Today Year 6 students will be heading to Oxley High and Quirindi High for their orientation day.  This day is always very exciting, and I can’t wait to hear all their stories.  I’m sure they are having the time of their lives.



Captain’s Speeches

Our Year 5 students will be presenting their School Captain’s Speeches at 9:30am on Monday 5th December.  All Year 5 Parents/Carers should have received an invitation in the mail.  All welcome to attend. 


Presentation Morning

Presentation will commence at 9:30am on Tuesday 5th December. I have said early that children should wear their summer uniform however after consultation with staff we have agreed that students should wear their sports shirt and sports shorts. Year 6 are also allowed to wear their Year 6 shirts.



Christmas Craft Afternoon

Christmas Craft afternoon will be Monday 11th December starting at 1.35pm. Parents/carers and family members are encouraged to come and have a great afternoon making Chrissy craft with their children.


Movie/ Class Party

Movie Day/Class Party will be Tuesday 12th December.  Students are asked to bring in a plate to share or if they prefer a plate for themselves. Ideas may include chips, lollies, biscuits, cut up fruit, cakes.

Each class teacher will be sending home a note giving permission to watch the chosen movie. Notes need to be returned to the office.


Pool Day

Pool day will be Wednesday 13th December. Children will be walking to the pool at 10am and will return to school by 2.30pm.  Children will need to bring their swimmers, goggles, towel and $2.20 for pool entry.


Disco/ Werris Creek’s Got Talent

Disco/ Werris Creek’s Got Talent Day will be held on Thursday 14th December starting at 1.30pm. Students can wear mufti clothes and will need to bring in a gold coin for entry.  Money received will be passed on to the school’s charity .


K-3 will also have a special visit from a jolly old fella around 2.30pm. I’m not letting too much out of the bag, but I know deep down the children from K/1 will love it.


The canteen will be open to order lunch and items will be for sale whilst the disco is on.



Semester 2 Reports will be handed out to the students to take home on Thursday 14th December.

As you can see, we will all be very busy for the last 2 weeks. Let’s be on our best behaviour so we don’t miss out on all the fun things ahead.




Mrs P

Relieving Principal